> Dave, you have mentioned a few times that you favor 
> developing the front end in Cold Fusion (and of course 
> DHTML and Javascript), the back end in a SQL Database, 
> and all of the business logic in a middle layer.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I favor a four-tier approach.

What I do favor, though, is partitioning the logic within an application
across multiple tiers. I would argue that CF would primarily be a middle
tier, rather than a true front-end; HTML, JavaScript/DHTML, and Flash
(nowadays, especially Flash) would make up the front-end. Likewise, data
manipulation logic can usually fit well within the database, using stored
procedures and triggers. Finally, there's the option of placing business
logic in an object tier between CF and the database. With this approach,
you'd be surprised how little CF needs to be in a CF application!

Most of our applications don't have an object tier, though. They do always
have the other three tiers. For some applications, an object tier just makes
sense - for example, if you're working with message queues or multiple
database platforms.

> Can you tell us more about what you use for that middle 
> layer? Do you write custom COM or CORBA objects?
> Do you write custom CFX tags in your favorite programming 
> language?

For object tier development, I prefer COM. My preference is driven by
ignorance - I don't know enough about CORBA, and I'm not especially fond of
the CFX API. Plus, I can write COM in VB - and anyone can be a VB
programmer! The only problem with using COM is CF's weak COM interface,
which is the biggest obstacle keeping us from using it in more CF apps.

> Once Pharaoh comes out do you see yourself using Java for 
> the business logic layer?

I don't think I'll wait that long. I think Java is a nice language, and I'm
learning it as fast as I can. It's got very powerful libraries, and it's
easier than C++. Plus, I can write cross-platform server-side code in Java.
For Windows solutions, though, it's hard not to go with COM, especially if
your client is a typical Windows shop with lots of VB guys.

I do think that Java is the "language of the future", in that I think it'll
replace the use of C++ for general line-of-business application development.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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