Have any security patches been applied?

I would check to see if the ISAPI for ..cfm is mapped
-Goto your Master website properties.
-Click Home Directory
-Click Configuration - the application mappings will be displayed.

Hope that helps.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Claremont, Timothy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Quit Working

CF 4.5 on XP Pro (IIS), test machine

Came back from vacation and CF pages no longer get served.

HTM pages serve correctly.

Can't open administrator, naturally.

I get the "The Page Cannot Be Displayed" error message.

Removal and reinstallation of CF changes nothing.

Any suggestions?

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