> I have been reading in many places to increase performance,
> increate the BLOCKFACTOR of queries to 100.  If I have a
> query that generally returns 5 rows should a blockfactor of
> 100 benefit, hurt, or not affect performance.  
> I have tried using the blockfactor in the past by going
> through the app and if a query on average returned 30 rows I
> set the blockfactor to 30.  I didnt notice a performance
> increase at all and in fact in some places I notice some
> actual decrease. So I removed the setting from all cfquery
> tags. But I didn't try just making all query blockfactor's 100.

I don't really know whether BLOCKFACTOR makes much of a performance
difference in CFMX; I'm basically assuming that it works the same way as in
previous versions, but I haven't tested that.

That said, you should set the BLOCKFACTOR based on the size of an individual
row. The BLOCKFACTOR attribute lets you put more than one row within a
buffer, but the buffer in CF 5 at least is a fixed size of 32Kb if I recall
correctly. So, you should set your BLOCKFACTOR value equal to the number of
rows that will fit in 32Kb. If you set it to a higher number, the
BLOCKFACTOR attribute is ignored, I think.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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