Turns out Groupwise follows the RFC to the letter, whereas Outlook allows
for non-standard formats (go figure).

Where outlook accepts "  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&subject=test&body=test>
mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]&subject=test&body=test", Groupwise doesn't.  To do
the same in Groupwise you need to use: "mailto:
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&body=test> &body=test" - note the use
of a question mark after the email address.  

Just goes to show - one should find the Standards document (the RFC) when
working with protocols - not a "ho to" reference on the web.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Groupwise and mailto

Hi all.  My appologies for the OT, but I'm not sure where else I can get
help on this.

I need to set the To, Subject, and Body fields of an email using the method
href="" PROTECTED]&subject=test&body=test" in an anchor tag.
This works perfect using MS Outlook.  But I'm having troubles with Groupwise
(the client's mail client).  Using the above, I get
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]&subject=test&body=test" in the TO field, and the subject
and body are not populated.  

I've done some research online via Google, and found reference to this
issue, but these references indicate this is the case for GroupWise 5.5 and
should be resolved in newer versions.  My client is using GroupWise 6.5, and
still seeing this problem.  

Do I need to do something different on the URL?  Or is there something I can
get the client to do to their GroupWise (an add-on or something)?

Thanks for any help.

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