> Why does this never actually work.  I am running a query on
> an ODBC datasource.  The ODBC is connecting to an informix
> database.  I don't want the query to take longer then 30
> seconds.  Not that coldfusion cares what I tell it the
> timeout value is.
> The main question is: Why does the timeout not work.  The
> second question is Is there any way to wrap things with a
> timeout value as to say if what is inside of here take more
> then x time throw an error.  Also is there a way to run a
> query in what would be like a seperate thread similar to
> doing a callback so that while the query is proccessing other
> things can run and then set a wait point or something?

AFAIK the "Timeout" on a CFQUERY is a connection timeout

So if the query is taking longer than 30 seconds, then it won't be timed

I'm not sure if you can put something to timeout around a CFQUERY...

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