You can use NT's AT to schedule jobs as well, Ive been using this method for
quite some time and works well for me.  To execute CFML from a CMD or BAT
file use this little piece of code.

SET CF_TEMPLATE_PATH=E:\path_to_yourfile\your_template_name.cfm

There is also a NT resource kit program named SOON that can help with AT


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Slay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I'd like to be able to schedule events, mainly the sending of email
> messages, to happen at specific times.  I thought that CFSCHEDULE would
> probably do the trick, however, it appears to have gone from my 4.5 CFML
> Language Reference guide, although it was there in the 4.0 one.   Has the
> tag been removed from 4.5?  Has it been replaced with something else?

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