> Hey all,
> anyone know of an easy way to set values of
> form.fieldnames to null if they are blank
> I'm trying to do it so null values instead of blanks are sent
> to a storeproc.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> eg
> <cfloop index="field"  LIST="#FORM.fieldnames#">
>       <cfif Trim(evaluate(field)) eq "">
>               <cfset formVariable = "null">
>       </cfif>
> </cfloop>

Here's an alternate method for doing the same thing, when you use your
CFPROCPARAM or CFQUERYPARAM tags, courtesy of Dan Switzer:

I found a little tip that save me a few lines of code and thought I'd share
it. You may already be doing this, but a function I rarely use is the
YesNoFormat() function. However, I recently found a neat little place to use

When passing a parameter into a stored procedure via the <CFPROCPARAM> tag,
you have the option to specify whether or not to pass a value or pass the
value as null. Using the YesNoFormat() you can now insert a value (if there
is one) or pass null is the string is blank. This is very useful for date

For example:
DBVARNAME="@ExpirationDate" VALUE="#ExpirationDate#" NULL="#YesNoFormat(NOT

This will insert the value in the field "ExpirationDate" as long as the
string isn't empty. If it's empty, the stored procedure will receive a null

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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