Hey all,

I figured out how to do this, and whew! It wasn't easy. And it doesn't
make sense to me..but it works.

<CFSET CurrentDate= #StartDate#>

<cfloop CONDITION="#CurrentDate# LTE #EndDate#">
                <CFSET clientvar =
                <CFSET temp = DeleteClientVariable(ClientVar)>
<CFSET CurrentDate=DATEADD("d",1,#CurrentDate#)> <!--- Advance the
current date by one day --->
<CFSET CurrentDate = DateFormat(#CurrentDate#,'mm/dd/yyyy')>


I had to se the variable first, and then call it in the
DeleteClientVariable function.
Totally crazy, but it worked.

Also, in ANOTHER deleteclientvariable statement, I had to use QUOTES
around the variable name, whereas you would notice in this one I did
not. More weirdness :(

Here is the code for the other one which involves a WDDX thingy.
(special thanks to Sandy for showing me this neat code :) )

CFIF ISDefined("client.EquipmentForm")> <!--- Make sure that equipment
has been entered --->

<cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#Client.EquipmentForm#"

<cfloop index="counter" from="1" to="5" step="1">

        <!--- CHeck if Select Box is empty. If not then insert values,
otherwise loop again --->
        <cfif len(evaluate('EquipmentForm.chooseequip#counter#'))>

                <cfquery name="InsertEquipment" datasource="relora"
                        INSERT INTO tblEquipEntry 

<CFSET temp = DeleteClientVariable('EquipmentForm')>


See? I had to wrap EquipmentForm in single quotes for it to work! 
Totally weird! :-\

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