No worries on the length of the article from our perspective. It's a great article with some very useful code. Is there any chance they would have you back to do a follow up article showing the rest of the code? I'm going to write them and suggest it.



> Sorry, I didn't have time to actually write that portion of the code.  
> The article itself was already longer than it should've been, so I
> just threw that out as an idea of "where to go from here."
> I think I would implement that by having a list of "ignored words."  
> The spell check engine reports back the location of the error in the
> string, so you can see if the word at that location is ignored.. if
> not, pop up a window and ask if they want to replace it with something.  
> If they chose to "ignore all" then add it to the ignore words list..
> and keep doing that as you loop through the list of spelling errors.
> -d
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