Yeah...I mistyped that.  I was thinking that the updater included the DataDirect 3.3 drivers and had 3 in my head.  Anyway, I have reported this issue and the issue with the DataDirect driver to Macromedia.  Since they ship with DataDirect, they looked into that issue first.  That issue was that when I call a stored procedure that included an output parameter and I fully-qualify the stored procedure name with a database name, then I get an error stating that "parameter markers be used for all stored procedure arguments".  Macromedia informed me that they are able to recreate this and will be reported as a bug.  I am still working with them on the jConnect error.  Looks like we have to wait to upgrade....

>> Sorry, I should have given more info about my setup. I am running CFMX
>> 6.1 Updater 3. I double-checked the driver and it is the latest and
>> greatest.
>Well, there isn't a CFMX 6.1 Updater 3, only an Updater 1. So, I'm not
>really sure what you're running, although I suspect you're running Updater
>Other than suggesting that, I don't really have an answer for you, since I
>haven't run into the problem you describe (and have very few clients using
>Sybase). Sorry!
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444
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