Re: Security and use of Index.cfm

2007-02-05 Thread AJ Mercer
in you web server, you can make index.cfm the default document. Then you don't have to specify it in the URL eg The web server will see there is not file specified, so go looking for the default home page; in this case index.cfm You can give it a list of files (index.html, index

Re: Security and use of Index.cfm

2007-02-05 Thread Alan Rother
Just curious, What default file name would make him / her happy? home.cfm, default.cfm Or is it that this person is concerned with showing the file extension at all? As fun thing we played with awhile back is that you can get CF to parse any file extension you want, as long as it contains valid

Security and use of Index.cfm

2007-02-05 Thread Wally Randall
My CFADMIN (in a government shop) has objected to the use of templates named INDEX.CFM saying that this gives hackers a handle on cracking a public website. Has anyone run into this issue and how have you delte with it? ~| Up