Hi all,

I'm in semi-urgent need of a CF developer, who's:

- Italian
- speaks (or at least writes) English well
- experienced with integrating Gestpay and Mobilmat payment processing
into a CF site

I don't speak any Italian, but I'm building a CF site for an Italian client
in Italy, and have a really hard time figuring out the payment processing
side of things. It's virtually impossible to understand all the various
documentation and Web sites. Machine translation has a long way to go in
that respect.

So, I need help, someone to be my Italian brain and to hold my hand through
this, help me to successfully integrate Gestpay and Mobilmat into my CF
site, whatever it involves, configuring the Sellanet/Gestpay stuff,
writing/supplying working CF code, debugging and troubleshooting etc.

It's nothing major, for someone who has worked with Gestpay before, it's
probably a piece of cake, but with my Italian skills, it's one seriously
major challenge.

I'll naturally pay for your help. If you're interested, please drop me an
email at jack (at) dalaa (dot) com


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