I'd be remiss in my responsibilities if I didn't point out that Macromedia recently 
launched a "tips" application for tips submitted by the community.


Admitedly, those submissions aren't subject to "panel" approval, so it's not exactly 
the same thing. Nevertheless, folks will be looking at the stuff there, so I would 
encourage anyone to submit their coding tips there too, as well as offer feedback on 
any tips you read there.

Vernon Viehe
ColdFusion Community Manager
Macromedia, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Giesenhagen
To: CF-Talk
Sent: 8/15/2002 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Best Practices


I think this is a great idea, I have no formal background in any
but picking things up here and there has made my life easier.

I think your idea of a place for tips would be great... and since this
has provide such a great service, maybe it should be here on HoF!

It would also be nice to have a 'board' if you will that approves a
practice before it is placed as a valid best practice.

Maybe even to go as far as placing 'tips' online with advantages and
disadvantages ...  Just to explain why it is good and why it is not so a
best practice can then be determined depending on usage.

Example would be: <cfif if only 1-2 variables, but use <cfswitch if
comparing many....  Both are good practices, both yield the same
but one (cfif) is much quicker to code and the savings in execution may
minimal and thus <cfif would be the 'best' practice... with explination
would be useful to a user.

I guess I what I am saying is have best practices, tips or whatever you
to call it, but give the explination as to WHAT they do and their
disadvantage.  Then have a group, approve disapprove and you will have
heck of a document.

Just my .02  I think it would be great ... Mike D, do you want to have
something like this?

Paul Giesenhagen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie Griefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: Best Practices

> OK...let's just cut the name of the thread to 'Best Practices' :)
> While there will always be some 'subjectivity' as to 'how' to code,
> certainly are 'better' ways, 'worse' ways, and yes...'best' ways.
> 'best' ways that I'm interested in.
> Somebody brought up previously that there shouldn't be a central 'best
> practices' document, as it may be intimidating to beginners (if i
> correctly).  I can see that...but I can also see that where a beginner
> learn the 'most simple' or 'most straightforward' way (ie learning
> myVar is ""> before learning <cfif len(trim(myVar))>).
> My contention/issue/point is that there are almost always 'better'
ways to
> code (by better, I'm referring to more efficient).  If I can be a
> coder (which I know I can), I would want to know how.
> Yes, one can certainly pick up tidbits of information here and there
> (whether it be on the forums, newsgroup, this list, or any of the
> sites out there)...but I'm sure very few of us have the luxury of that
> of time to look (heck, we wouldn't even know what to look for).
> Might be nice to start a "cf coding tips" site...I'd be more than
happy to
> throw a form online to collect tips from anybody who wants to enter a
> (as well as a page to output them).  Over time it might even become
> basis for a best practices doc (maybe setting up a 'rate this tip' to
> it really is something that people have found works for them).  I know
> I'd benefit greatly from such a site.  I'd like to think that many
> would as well.
> Anybody have any thoughts on that?  Thoughts on hosting?  I can do it,
> would be more than happy to...but perhaps a better known cf-related
> would be a better 'home' for it (i'd still be willing to code it).
> Feedback/comments/suggestions appreciated :)
> Charlie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sean A Corfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 11:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Best Practices (was: Re: 33 and 33d the same?
> > On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 04:22 , Matthew Walker wrote:
> > > In this particular case I didn't think the thread had changed. I
> > > I was talking about whether the concept of using Compare() negated
> > > existence of the issue regarding 33d. I was just woken up and was
> > > breakfast at the time, so I may have been mistaken, as often I am
> > > that terrible hour.
> >
> > Ah, the "not enough coffee yet" time... I know it well. Yes, looking
> > at the posts, there were still elements of the original question but
> > think I was frustrated by the 100+ ("lots" anyway) posts with the
> > subject, many of which weren't really dealing with the original
> > just happened to pick your post to reply to because it raised a
> > point that I wanted to address... My bad, too, I suppose.
> >
> > > While best practices do change from company to company / version
> > > version etc, I think it's reasonable to say there is a more or
> > > established but unwritten set of best practice ideas circulating.
> >
> > Well, I'm not quite so convinced since there seem to be so many
> > disagreements on anything held up as 'best practice'...
> >
> > > reasoning for that is that I hear the same ideas (e.g. use <cfif
> > > rather than <cfif x neq 0>) over and over.
> >
> > And as an example, that's one I would disagree (vehemently) with,
> > 'x' is a boolean (true/false).
> >
> > If 'x' is genuinely boolean, then '<cfif x>' is the more intentional
> > to write it (although 'x' is a *terrible* name for a boolean
> >
> > If 'x' is an integer, then the comparison should be against zero -
> > emphasizing the *intention* behind the code.
> >
> > With a decent compiler, there should be no speed difference - and
> > there is, the readability of the code would almost always outweigh
> > marginal performance gain.
> >
> > When would I sanction using the faster code instead of the more
> > code? Only when someone had proved to me that in their particular
> > application, changing that fragment made a measurable - and
significant -
> > improvement in execution speed.
> >
> > I spent years doing code audits and writing coding guidelines around
> > world so I'm fairly passionate about this sort of thing! :)
> >
> > "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> > -- Margaret Atwood
> >
> >

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