All right I am having serious problems trying to get my head around this
one, I have made a CFC that traverses through the directory structure and
returns a query with the whole directory structure underneath the parent it
was given.

Then I have made a CFC that is to work with this query and visually recreate
the directory structure with HTML <ul> and <li> I am almost there, but there
is a problem somewhere, which I can't pinpoint. It recreates the directory
structure fine as long as the structure is going up once it goes down there
is a problem somewhere.

Code to run for testing (if anyone is interested in getting this working)

directory = createObject("component",
tree = createObject("component",

qDirectory = directory.traverse(
'D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\internet\development\\index\' );

<cfquery name="q" dbtype="query">
FROM qDirectory
WHERE [type] = 'Dir'

<cfset myTree = tree.html(q, "nothingyet", "nothingyet", "nothingyet")>



<cffunction access="public" name="create" output="false">
  <cfargument name="path" type="string" required="true">
  <!--- Remove the trailing slash, if any --->
  <cfif right(arguments.path, 1) IS "/">
   <cfset arguments.path = mid(arguments.path, 1, len(arguments.path) - 1)>
  <!--- Get the parent path to see if it exists --->
  <cfset pathParent = listDeleteAt(arguments.path, listLen(arguments.path,
"\"), "\")>
  <cfif directoryExists(pathParent)>
   <!--- Make sure the directory does not already exist --->
   <cfif NOT directoryExists(arguments.path)>
    <cfdirectory directory="#arguments.path#" action="">    <cfelse>
    <!--- Return message specifying the directory already exists --->
   <!--- Return message specifying that the parent directory does not exist

<cffunction access="public"
   hint="I traverse through the path I am provided with.">
  <cfargument name="path"
    hint="Fully qualified path to the directory">
  <cfargument name="q"

  <cfargument name="i"

  <!--- Remove trailing slash if any --->
  if ( right(arguments.path, 1) IS "\" )
   arguments.path = mid(arguments.path, 1, len(arguments.path) - 1);
  if ( arguments.i EQ 1 )
   queryAddRow(q, 1);
   querySetCell(q, "path", listDeleteAt(arguments.path,
listLen(arguments.path, "\"), "\"));
   querySetCell(q, "level", 0);
   querySetCell(q, "name", listLast(arguments.path, "\"));
   querySetCell(q, "size", 0);
   querySetCell(q, "type", "Dir");
   // got an issue with this date for some reason, need to fix it
evaluate("qList" & i & ".dateLastModified")
   querySetCell(q, "dateLastModified", "");
   querySetCell(q, "attributes", "");
   querySetCell(q, "mode", "");

  <!--- Retrieve contents of the directory --->
  <cfdirectory directory="#arguments.path#" action="" name="qList#i#">

  <cfif evaluate("qList" & i & ".recordCount")>
   <cfloop query="qList#i#">
    queryAddRow(q, 1);
    querySetCell(q, "path", arguments.path);
    querySetCell(q, "level", i);
    querySetCell(q, "name", evaluate("qList" & i & ".name"));
    querySetCell(q, "size", evaluate("qList" & i & ".size"));
    querySetCell(q, "type", evaluate("qList" & i & ".type"));
    // got an issue with this date for some reason, need to fix it
evaluate("qList" & i & ".dateLastModified")
    querySetCell(q, "dateLastModified", "");
    querySetCell(q, "attributes", evaluate("qList" & i & ".attributes"));
    querySetCell(q, "mode", evaluate("qList" & i & ".mode"));
    // Only traverse if it is a directory
    if ( evaluate("qList" & i & ".type") IS "dir" )
     directoryName = evaluate("qList" & i & ".name");
     traverse( arguments.path & "\" & directoryName, arguments.q, i + 1 );
  <!--- Return the query --->
  <cfreturn q>





<cffunction access="public" name="html" output="false" returntype="string">
  <cfargument name="q" type="query" required="true">
  <cfargument name="display" type="string" required="true">
  <cfargument name="value" type="string" required="true">
  <cfargument name="link" type="string" required="true">
  <cfargument name="previousLevel" type="numeric" required="true"

  <cfset var string = "">

  <cfloop query="q">
   <cfset string = string & createList(arguments.previousLevel, q.level,
val(q.level[q.currentRow + 1]),, "nothing")>
   <cfset arguments.previousLevel = q.level>

  <cfset string = string & "</ul>">

  <cfreturn string>


<cffunction access="private" name="createList" output="false"
  <cfargument name="previousLevel" type="numeric" required="true">
  <cfargument name="currentLevel" type="numeric" required="true">
  <cfargument name="nextLevel" type="numeric" required="true">
  <cfargument name="value" type="string" required="true">
  <cfargument name="link" type="string" required="true">

  <cfset var string = "">
  <cfset var close = "">

  <!--- If this is the top parent folder --->
  <cfif arguments.currentLevel EQ 0>
   <cfset string = string & "<ul><li>#arguments.value#">

  <!--- If current level is the same as the previous level --->
  <cfelseif arguments.currentLevel EQ arguments.previousLevel>
   <cfset string = string & "<li>#arguments.value#">
   <!--- If next level is the same or less than the current level --->
   <cfif arguments.nextLevel EQ arguments.currentLevel OR
arguments.nextLevel LT arguments.currentLevel>
    <!--- Close the tag --->
    <cfset string = string & "</li>">
    <cfset close = "</li>">

  <!--- If current level is greater than previous level (going up) --->
  <cfelseif arguments.currentLevel GT arguments.previousLevel>
   <cfset string = string & "<ul><li>#arguments.value# (cur:
#arguments.currentLevel#) (prev: #arguments.previousLevel#)">

   <!--- If the next level is the same as the current level --->
   <cfif arguments.nextLevel EQ arguments.currentLevel>
    <!--- Close the tag --->
    <cfset string = string & "</li>">
   <!--- If the next level is less than the current level --->
   <cfif arguments.nextLevel LT arguments.currentLevel>
    <!--- Close the tag --->
    <cfset string = string & "</li></ul>">

  <!--- If current level is less than previous level (going down) --->
  <cfelseif arguments.currentLevel LT arguments.previousLevel>
   <!--- Close whatever items are unclosed --->
   <cfset string = string & close>
   <cfset string = string & repeatString("</li></ul>",
(arguments.previousLevel - arguments.currentLevel) - 1)>
   <cfset string = string & "<li>#arguments.value# (cur:
#arguments.currentLevel#) (prev: #arguments.previousLevel#) (close:
#(arguments.previousLevel - arguments.currentLevel)#)">

  <cfreturn string>



Taco Fleur

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Teach me and I will learn
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