I've tried every combination and permutation i can think of to using
SCRIPTSRC in  a CFFORM tag, but it's defeating me.    (It's format=xml if
that makes a difference)>

I'm in a shared hosting environment and I have tinkered a bit with the css
file and the xsl flie so the form styles match up with the rest of the site,
so it cant be added to teh CFIDE or it would change everyone else's forms on
the machine.  I thought, reading the docs, that I could simply copy the
scripts folder from teh CFIDE folder, and include the modified files and use
SCRPTSRC to have the form draw its stuff from there instead of the default
folder.   But no matter what i put in the SCRIPTSRC attribute, it doesnt
work on the production server.    I get the desired effect on my dev machine
so I know the mods i made to the css and xsl files are ok but i cant figure
out why it wont work on the production machine.

I've tried the following in the SCRIPTSRC="" ;   absolute url,  relative
url,  relative url using a CF mapping  - i even tried dot notation in
desperation.    Has anyone else got this to work?

Here's my structure, if i can represent it with text:


I've put a revised xsl file called greenish.xsl in the xsl folder,  and that
contains the line <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of

My CFFORM tag looks like this  in its latest version . can anyone tell me
whats the matter with it?
<cfform method="get" name="thisform" preloader="no" action =
"#cgi.script_name#" format="xml"
skin="#request.approot#/scripts/xsl/greenish.xsl" >
Or perhaps this one:
<cfform method="get" name="thisform" preloader="no" action =
"#cgi.script_name#"  format="xml" scriptsrc="#request.approot#/scripts" >

The variable #request.approot# contains the value http://localhost/hgsa  on
my dev machine, and http://hgsa.afpwebworks.com on the production machine
which is a valid and working url, pointing to the root of the site.
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks

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