This works, after some adjustments (stupid mistakes by myself) <cfinvoke webservice="" method="getEMPLOYEES" returnvariable="getSTAFF" >
OK, I can get it to work from one host, but when experimenting my moving it to another host, I get the following: coldfusion.jsp.CompilationFailedException: Errors reported by Java compiler: /usr/local/coldfusionmx7/runtime/bin/jikesw: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. This is a shared server, so I need to get with the hosting company to sort this one out. To appear at least a little bit intelligent (it's a Monday, so I'm not yet!), what do I need to ask them. It's a mapping problem on the server, correct? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four times a year. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: