
I've been reading the posts on session management, and sadly, I am still 
utterly confused.  What compounds my confusion is the fact that I am using 
session management in conjunction with an Oracle stored procedure.  I must 
admit, I'm over my head here--BIG time.

Scenario: I have several screens that only authorized evaluators should be 
able to access.  All of these evaluator screens are in a folder called 
"eval".  Similarly, I have a set of screens that only an assigned 
administrator should be able to access. Those screens are kept in a folder 
called "admin".

Right now I am focusing only on the evaluator pages.  I have created 
login.cfm and login_action.cfm.  The action page supplies two input 
parameters to the stored procedure (userid and password, from the form).  It 
outputs either a session id or an error: "Bad User ID or Password".

I know that I will need to use an include template on any of the pages that 
are to be protected by this password.  This is where I get lost.
What exactly do I put in this page?  How do I get the sessionid from the 
login_action.cfm page to this include page?  I know I'll need the 
application.cfm file, but I'm not sure what else to put in it other than the 
cfapplication tag and its attributes.

Here's what I was given by the dba:
"In Summary here are the Functions/Procedures We have to date.

PROC:  APP_SECURITY.Create_Session( in_usr , in_pwd , sesid )
  Input:   in_usr, in_pwd      (varchar2)
  Output:  sesid   (varchar2)

  Returns (Output):  SesID  OR   'Bad User ID or Password'


(THIS STUFF IS ALL GREEK TO ME...I know that these are all functions, but 
what the heck do I do with them?

FUNC:  APP_SECURITY.Renew_session ( sesid, in_pwd)
  Input:  sesid, in_pwd     (varchar2)


FUNC:  DB_APP_STD.chk_ses ( sesid, valid_hrs)
  Input:  sesid           (varchar2)
            valid_hrs      (number) <Optional, default is 3 hours>

  Returns:  Varchar2   'UserID'  OR   NULL

Try SELECT DB_APP_STD.chk_Sess (sesid, 3) from at_users where userid = 

FUNC:  DB_APP_STD.cnv_bl ( chk_val)
  Input:  chk_val   (BOOLEAN)

  Returns:  Varchar2   'TRUE'  OR 'FALSE'

To Check Session:
     select db_app_std.check_session ( 'SesID')
         from dual;
   Select will return a varchar2 'UserID'  OR Null

To Renew Session:
     select db_app_std.cnv_bl(app_security.renew_session ( 
         from dual;
   Select will return a varchar2 'TRUE'/'FALSE' "


I am so lost.  What do I put where, and what gets passed to what to make 
sure the user is logged in?  <sigh>

I am feeling like such a dork. I know that the dba literally spelled 
everything right out for me, but I need some more help with this one.

Any stored proc/session management gurus out there that care to take some 
time out to hand-hold a newbie programmer?

Thanks in advance!


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