Hi all,

I've just migrated a site from CF5 to CFMX. All is working great, except for one little thing (as always...). There's a script that pulls formatted text from the database and delivers it to the user as an rtf document using cfcontent. The text is pasted from Word into htmlarea_lite (a really old version) by the client.

When the script generates the rtf, all the single quotes get converted to underscores. I presume that its Word's smart quotes causing that. But, if I comment out the cfcontent tag and let the browser display the rtf source, all the single quotes look like real single quotes (they are that way in the source of the page too).

So, it seems that cfcontent is having some kind of encoding issue. I've tried a UDF from cflib.org called ConvertSpecialChars which is meant to convert smart quotes to normal quotes but it's not helping. Is there any workaround that anyone can suggest that doesn't involve a) replacing htmlarea_lite or b) manually editing the text in the database (far too much to even consider)? Maybe an additional cfheader or something?

Thanks in advance...
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