heres what i need to accomplish
i'm making a page that gets real time river flows from the website.
in order to do this i have to manually insert each river into the db with a specific link to get the info into an ascii file where i filter it down to what i need.
i have all that going but when running the task it gets a timeout error & overriding the timeout doesnt work

run a task every hour, so one this page which is registered as the scheduled task in the cf admin

<!--- run every hour --->
Task="River Flow Updates"
ACTION=""> OPERATION="httprequest"
URL=""> INTERVAL="3600"

this is the template to be run every hour

<!--- get all rivers --->
<cfquery name="qGetRivers" datasource="#dsn#" username="#un#" password="#pw#">

<cfloop query="qGetRivers">

<!--- retrieve info from USGS website --->
<cfhttp url=""> method="Get">

<!--- place contents into a formated variable --->
<cfset data = "">
<!--- set retrieved variables--->
<cfset last = listLast(data, "USGS")>
<cfset riverNumber = listGetAt(last, 1, chr(9))>
<cfset dateTime = listGetAt(last, 2, chr(9))>
<cfset waterFlow = listGetAt(last, 3, chr(9))>
<cfset setDate = DateFormat(dateTime, "mmm-dd-yyyy")>
<cfset setTime = TimeFormat(dateTime, 'hh:mm:ss tt')>

<!--- check too see if this river has temperature available --->
<cfif #qGetRivers.riverType# EQ 2>
<cfset waterTemp = listGetAt(last, 4, chr(9))>
<cfset waterTemp = "N/A">

<!--- insert the  contents of the form into the db --->
<cfquery name="addflows" datasource="#dsn#" username="#un#" password="#pw#">
UPDATE flows  
SET riverNumber = '#riverNumber#'
, enteredDate = '#setDate#'
, enteredTime = '#setTime#'
, waterFlow = '#waterFlow#'
, waterTemp = '#waterTemp#'

WHERE riverID = 'riverID'


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