This may be an Apache thing, I don't know.

I have a script to test my ODBC functionality that connects to a db over an UNC path and a mapped path just fine.

I use that same path in my CGI::Application (both the UNC and mapped drive and I am getting:

Error executing run mode 'display_task_page': Can't connect to data source driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);dbq=\\Resolver\Users\BHicks\Public\Project_task_report_2003.mde, no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not set at C:/Perl/site/lib/CGI/Application/Plugin/ line 42
 at D:/Projects/www/DEV/exp/index.cgi line 14

I am using the following:

use base qw/CGI::Application/;
use CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH (qw/dbh dbh_config/);
use CGI::Application::Plugin::ConfigAuto (qw/cfg cfg_file/);
use CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM (qw/check_rm/);
use CGI::Application::Plugin::AutoRunmode;

Now, if I move that db into a sub-directory in my web application (like "db/my.db") I can connect to it fine. It seems to be the UNC path it doesn't like.

This is the first time I have tried using an UNC path.

Any ideas?


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