In case anyone has spare laptops sitting around...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jennifer Reiners <jreiners at>
> Date: June 10, 2008 4:33:57 PM PDT
> To: ewb-uw at
> Subject: [EWB-UW] Laptop(s) needed for Bolivia Trip
> Hi all.  I hope many of you are enjoying a much needed break or at  
> least are getting close to it.
> For our upcoming trip to Bolivia in a couple of weeks, we are  
> looking to find one or two laptop computers that we can take down  
> with us and leave for the community.  Preferrably we'd like to get  
> them donated, but we may be able to pay up to $250 each for them if  
> that was our only option.  Only catch is that they need to be new  
> enough models to be converted into Spanish.
> If you have any leads for getting them donated (in a short time, we  
> need them by June 26) or if you know someone or someplace that would  
> be willing to sell a laptop or two for cheap, please email me (jreiners at 
> ) or David (dallosto at
> Any information you might have would be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Jen
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 06:52:10 -0700
> From: Donee Alexander <doneealexander at>
> To: Jennifer Reiners <jreiners at>,
>    David Dall'Osto <dallosto at>
> Subject: laptop
> hi guys,
> i also need one of you to obtain at least one laptop (or possibly 2)  
> that is
> new enough that we can convert it to Spanish.  we are taking them to  
> the
> teacher.  we would love to get these free, but if we have to pay  
> that is ok
> too.  i don't think we want to pay over about $250 though.  the  
> first place
> i would look is UW surplus.  also, you might want to email out the  
> listserv (the big one) and the EC listserv.  i think craig's list  
> would be a
> great place to look too.  lastly, robyn has said she might know how
> microsoft can get us computers, so you might want to check this  
> avenue out
> too.
> at any rate, we want at least one and as many as we can get our  
> hands on,
> but 2 would be great.
> thanks,
> donee
> p.s. please email me back and let me know who is taking charge of  
> this.
> this is a priority b/c we promised them we would bring at least one
> computer.
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