Hi all,

We invite you to the second session of our (still new) "X4D" virtual
speaker series tomorrow (apologies if this is the first you're hearing of
it)! Our fabulous speakers include the following:

*Catherine D'Ignazio,* Assistant Professor of Urban Science & Planning, MIT
*Title: Data Feminism & Feminicide*
Data Feminism (co-authored with Lauren Klein, MIT Press, 2020) is a set of
seven principles that demonstrate how feminist thinking can be
operationalized in order to imagine more ethical and equitable data
practices. This talk will briefly introduce those principles and relate
them to a collaborative project undertaken by the Data + Feminism Lab,
Feminicidio Uruguay and the Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos
Abiertos. We are exploring how to build technologies to support counterdata
collection by activists and civil society organizations who are working to
fight gender-related violence against women and its lethal outcome,
feminicide, in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

*Dr. Nassim Parvin,* Associate Professor of Digital Media, Georgia Tech

*Title: On the Uses and Misuses of Unintended Consequences*One of the
hallmarks of feminist theory and praxis is to identify and challenge
dominant modes and tools of knowledge making that perpetuate oppressive
power relations. In this talk, I discuss the uses and misuses of
“unintended consequences,”—a seemingly mundane phrase that is popular in
science and technology discourses—demonstrating its power in advancing
techno-utopic interventions and visions. For more see, Parvin, Nassim, and
Anne Pollock. "Unintended by Design: On the Political Uses of 'Unintended
Consequences,'" Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6 (2020): 320-327.

*Dr. Shaowen Bardzell,* Professor at College of Information Sciences and
Technology, the Pennsylvania State University

*Title: The Tempest in the Menstrual Cup: How Design, Critique, and
Activism Changed Taiwan*Can design contribute not just towards an
incrementally better world, but to a radically better one? In recent years,
feminist utopian thinkers have sought to imagine radically better social
worlds and accompanying ways of life using a double-move: the first is a
“diagnostic critique” of the present that seeks to denaturalize it, which
creates openings for the second move “anticipatory design,” which
imaginatively construes one or more aspects of the social world in a
preferred and plausible way—much like what we in design call “design
futuring.” In this talk, I will explore how anticipatory design and
critique contributed to real world product design, in this case, a
menstrual cup in Taiwan. The cup proposes and enacts concrete strategies
that challenge and overcome unquestioned misogynistic cultural tendencies
about the care and maintenance of the hymen in Chinese culture. In doing
so, it also proposes an aspirational future for the women in the country,
which in fact led to activism that helped bring that future into being. I
argue that contemporary feminist utopianism represents a living
critical/design practice: its double-move teases out glimpses of preferred
and possible futures, which can guide and motivate democratic forms of
activism in the present.

*Pragya Saboo & Navya Nanda*, Cofounders of Aara Health

*Title: Bridging the Gap in Access to Quality Healthcare for Women in
health and wellbeing needs remain seriously under-addressed in India, as in
countries around the world. Aara Health allows women to connect with high
quality doctors for virtual consultations, access expert-verified
educational content, and join a safe and secure community for social

*When: *11am-12.30pm US EDT (3pm-4.30pm UTC)
*Where:* https://mit.zoom.us/j/97650407272

And please join our Google group
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/x4d-friends> if you'd like to stay
in touch!


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 10:06 PM Neha Kumar <neha.ku...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We invite you to participate in our new "X4D" virtual speaker series, with
> a focus on unpacking the intersections of technology and global development
> from different disciplines and/or epistemic locations.
> Our inaugural session will take place on August 4, 3-4.30pm UTC (that's
> 11am-12.30pm EDT, 4-5.30pm BST, and 8.30pm-10pm IST).  The Zoom link:
> https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78811443025?pwd=VHI1SitTVmovSVBuWmp5SHExM0lNUT09
> We are delighted to have these speakers at our inaugural session, who will
> be presenting their perspectives on the value and importance of
> interdisciplinarity, and opportunities to productively engage in
> interdisciplinary work, in attempting to address the problems that impact
> us globally:
> Dr. Kentaro Toyama
> University of Michigan, USA
> Title: 15 years of ICTD research
> Dr. Dorothea Kleine
> University of Sheffield, UK
> Title: Gender and Intersectionality in ICT4D
> Dr. Aaditeshwar Seth
> Indian Institute of Technology Delhi & Gram Vaani, India
> Title: Making ICTD More Impactful
> Dr. Rediet Abebe
> Harvard Society of Fellows & UC Berkeley, USA
> Title: Roles for Computing in Social Justice
> Event details including abstracts of talks and bios are available on our
> website https://sites.google.com/view/x4d. We also aim to keep you
> informed about future events over email and invite you to join this
> Google group <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/x4d-friends>.
> We plan to organize an event every 3-4 weeks; the exact time will be
> determined based on what works best for all our presenters, but keeping in
> mind that we must be inclusive of many time zones. The next topic will be
> feminist perspectives on technology design, followed by mental health as a
> global concern.
> See you next week!
> Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech, USA Akhil Mathur, Nokia Bell Labs, UK
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