Hi all,

We invite you to the third session of our "X4D" virtual speaker series
<https://sites.google.com/view/x4d/home>on *October 7th.* Our speakers
include the following:

*Dr. Munmun De Choudhury, *School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech,
*Title: Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Approaches to Digital Mental
Health: A Tale of Engaging with Three Stakeholders*
Digital traces, such as social media data, supported with advances in the
computer science field, are increasingly being used to understand the
mental health of individuals and populations. With these approaches
offering promise to change the status quo in mental health for the first
time since mid-20th century, interdisciplinary collaborations have been
greatly emphasized. But what are some models of engagement for computer
scientists that augment existing capabilities while minimizing the risk of
harm? This talk will describe the experiences from working with three
different stakeholders in projects relating to digital mental health–first
with a governmental organization, second with healthcare providers, and
third with a non-profit, all in the United States. The talk hopes to
present some lessons learned by way of these engagements, and to reflect on
approaches we need to realize a dream of many computer scientists: how to
have their research contribute to positive societal impacts.

*Dr. Becky Inkster, *Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge University;
Finance & Economics Programme, The Alan Turing Institute; Self-Employed
Neuroscientist & Digital Mental Health Advisor, UK
*Title: Rhymes Equal Actual Life in the Youth*: Connecting Mental Health
Support with Hip-Hop Culture*
It is essential that we build digital mental health tools that are engaging
and sensitive to both culture and context. In this talk, I will explore how
hip-hop music and culture can be combined in a powerful way with
human-centred algorithmic solutions, computational creativity and music
therapy in order to support mental health and wellbeing. I am a Co-Founder
of Lyrical Kombat and Hip Hop Psych, and will illustrate examples based on
these initiatives.
*lyrics by KRS-ONE

*Dr. John Naslund,* Department of Global Health and Social Medicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
*Title: Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Digital Training Program
for Building Capacity of Frontline Health Workers and Scaling Up Depression
Care in Rural India*
Mental disorders are a leading cause of disability worldwide; yet, in most
countries, individuals living with mental disorders are more likely to have
access to a mobile phone than basic mental health care. The increasing
reach and availability of digital technologies in low-income and
middle-income countries, such as smartphones and mobile Internet, present
new opportunities to support task sharing through training and supporting
community health workers in treating mental disorders. In this
presentation, my objective is to describe the development and design of a
digital program for training community health workers as part of a broader
effort to scale up task sharing of a brief psychological treatment for
depression in primary care settings in rural India. Specifically, I will
describe efforts to involve community health workers throughout the
iterative development and user testing of a digital training program
accessible from a smartphone app, as well as the initial findings from a
randomized controlled pilot study conducted in one district of Madhya
Pradesh. I will discuss next steps and implications of leveraging emerging
digital technologies for task sharing and bridging the global care gap for
mental disorder.

*Dr. Maryam Mustafa, *School of Science and Engineering, LUMS, Pakistan

*Title: Designing Digital Safe Spaces For Peer Support and Connectivity in
Patriarchal Contexts*There is a deep stigma and taboo attached to mental
health disorders and care in countries like Pakistan. Most people have
little to no access to mental health support and women are particularly
susceptible in patriarchal contexts like Pakistan. In this talk , I will
explore the opportunities and challenges in designing peer-support and
mental health mechanisms for low-income, low-literate women in Pakistan, a
patriarchal and religious context where women’s movements, social relations
and access to digital technologies are restricted. This is a context where
shame and fear of defamation restrict the seeking of support for personal
narratives around taboo subjects like abortion, sexual harassment, rape and
domestic abuse. I will also discuss our findings from our participatory
workshops in exploring the design of peer-support technologies for support
seeking with low-income, low-literate women.

*When: *October 7 | 9.30am-11am US EDT (1.30pm-3pm UTC)
*Where:* https://ucl.zoom.us/j/95338644599

And please join our X4D-friends Google group
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/x4d-friends> if you'd like to stay
informed of future sessions!

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