Dr. Radhakrishnan was one of the keynote speakers for ICTD 2019. This
should be a great talk. Is open to all.


*Smitha Radhakrishnan "Making Women Pay: Microfinance in Urban India"*
Online | Zoom

Commercial microfinance in India, a subprime credit industry that lends to
over 35 million working-class women at interest rates of 20 to 26 percent,
has experienced unprecedented growth in the last decade. These
profit-oriented microfinance institutions (MFIs), supported by financial
inclusion policies, have funneled billions of dollars in loans to women
borrowers previously constructed as uncreditworthy. Profit-oriented
microfinance is best understood as an extractive industry reliant on the
unpaid and underpaid labor of working-class women. As this labor is
connected to relationships with frontline MFI workers, and eventually,
financial capital, working class women become bearers of credit, even as
the debt curbs their social and physical mobility. The widespread
saturation of microfinance helps construct a new gendered reality in which
millions of working-class women provide for their families through debt,
while some working-class and upwardly mobile men can find secure
livelihoods through MFI employment. Year after year, women MFI clients take
ever-larger loans, while MFI workers and leaders, mostly men, enjoy social
and economic mobility. The microfinance industry’s policies and practices
thus sustain interlocking class and gender inequalities.

This presentation will lay out the gendered structure of microfinance and
then delve more specifically into the relational work between clients and
loan officers that makes women creditworthy in India’s gendered financial

Smitha Radhakrishnan is Professor of Sociology and Luella LaMer Professor
of Women’s Studies at Wellesley College. Her research examines the
cultural, financial, and political dimensions of gender and globalization,
with particular focus on India, the United States, and South Africa.

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