Hi all,

We invite you to our next session of the X4D Talks <http://x4d.org> on *April
20th 1400 ET/1800 UTC/2330 IST* on the topics of *Privacy and Participation
in Social Media. *

The session will be moderated by *Dr. Dhanaraj Thakur* (Research Director
at the Center for Democracy & Technology, USA).

Our speakers include:

*Mallory Knodel, Center for Democracy & Technology, USA*
*Social media private messaging with end-to-end encryption*
Many of these messaging apps provide end to end encrypted communication
either by default or as an option. Governments and law enforcement agencies
have incorrectly argued that encryption undermines national security and
have moved to weaken or remove encrypted messaging. What are the human
rights implications of these moves and what is the role of research in
protecting privacy and encryption on these apps? What is the technical
reality of these apps and does it match up with what law enforcement says
about them?

*Joyojeet Pal, Microsoft Research, IndiaThe Blindspot: Technology,
Development and Tiptoeing around Democracy*
 In the last two decades of academic engagements around technology and
development, we have seen initiatives and research focusing largely on
access to services in domains such as healthcare, education, and
agricultural production. While there has been growing interest and
engagement around rights based research and action in gender and
accessibility, there has been comparatively less engagement on issues of
democratic engagement. In this talk, we consider the role of social media
polarization and state control over democratic processes within the
discourse of technology and development, and propose that scholars need to
play an engaged role in subjects that are messy and risky to their
continued engagement in development scholarship.

*Maggie Jack, Syracuse University and University of California, Irvine,
USANetworked Authoritarianism at the Edge *
With a team of researchers, I conducted a qualitative research study in
2018 that examined how village-level officials in rural Cambodia (who are
relatively new internet users) utilize Facebook to supplement and extend
long-standing patterns of information control. We found that they used
Facebook Newsfeed and Messenger, exclusively on smartphones, to promote
local government activities, report to the central government, and monitor
local affairs. This monitoring has led to widespread “chilling effects,” a
phenomenon that occurs when political activists and citizens stop using the
internet for dissent due to intimidation. I argue that this social media
withdrawal often emerges more from the lingering psychological effects of
historical violence than the sophistication of technological tactics.

*Kiran Garimella, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USAMisinformation
on WhatsApp?*
In this talk, I will present our on-going research on WhatsApp. I will
first talk about the tools we built to collect large amounts of WhatsApp
data from political groups in India. Next, I will discuss how such data
could be useful for journalists, fact checking organizations and
researchers, to study various problems, including misinformation and hate.
I will present three case studies making use of this data: (i) studying
image-based misinformation, showcasing novel ways images are being used to
spread false information, (ii) How a closed messaging application is being
used for cross-platform coordination and manipulation of Twitter trends,
and (iii) the prevalence of a special form of hate speech which we call
fear speech — speech inducing fear about a certain group (muslims in our
case). Finally, I will conclude with potential solutions to tackle these
problems and how end to end encryption on WhatsApp makes it challenging to
address them.

When: *April 20th, 1400 ET/1800 UTC/2330 IST *
Where: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/93923102086

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