 Deadline Extension: Submission Deadline June 6, 2014 

Call for Contributions
MoSoGood 2014: Mobiles for Social Good
Workshop at ACM MobileHCI 2014, Toronto, Canada
September 23, 2014
(Extended) Submission Deadline: June 6, 2014

About MoSoGood
Beyond facilitating communication, mobile phones are also transforming the way 
we send money, take care of our health, check market prices, engage with our 
governments, do emergency response, and many other things. However, to a vast 
majority of the world's population many of these services remain out of reach 
due to issues of low-literacy, limited technology experience, language 
barriers, device and infrastructure constraints, physical disabilities, 
socio-cultural and socio-economic barriers. For example, 60% out of 5 billion 
mobile phone subscribers worldwide live in developing countries. This provides 
a challenging research context for how research in HCI could help underserved 
populations, across the developing and the developed world.
The "Mobiles for Social Good" workshop aims to bring together researchers and 
practitioners interested in understanding underserved populations in both the 
developing and developed world, and designing, developing, and evaluating 
mobile systems for social and economic development. 

Call for Contributions
We want to bring together a diverse group of participants with different 
backgrounds and interests to identify common research practices, to discuss 
challenges of HCI research in the field, and to discuss particular requirements 
of specific challenges at the intersection of HCI and Mobiles for the Social 
Good. We invite the contribution of detailed problem statements, position 
papers, research papers, and interactive demos of up to 4 pages from everybody 
interested to share ideas, experience, or methods applicable within the scope 
of this workshop. 
For details about the submission process please visit 

Topics of the MSoGood workshop include but are not limited to:
* Interfaces/interactions for illiterate or low-literates - both in the strict 
and wider sense (e.g., techno-literacy)
* Interfaces/interactions for (mobile) data collection and contribution
* Interfaces/interactions for participatory sensing/monitoring or other citizen 
science activities
* Context-adaptive interfaces
* Interfaces/interactions for mobile ICT4D systems
* HCI research methods for underserved populations
* Socio-cultural and socio-economic challenges

Important Dates                                                                 
Submission (extended): June 6, 2014                                
Notification: July 15, 2014
Workshop Day: Sept 23, 2014


Falko Schmid, CapacityLab @ University of Bremen
Lutz Frommberger, CapacityLab @ University of Bremen
Muki Haklay, ExCiteS @ University College London
Matthias Stevens, ExCiteS @ University College London
Ed Cutrell, Microsoft Research India
Indrani Medhi Thies, Microsoft Research India

Program Committee

Engineer Bainomugisha, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Gaetano Boriello, University of Washington, USA
Marchini Chetty, University of Maryland, USA
Nicola Dell, University of Washington, USA
Melissa Densmore, Microsoft Research India
Peter Haddawy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Kasper Løvborg Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Matt Jones, Swansea University, UK
Joyojeet Pal, University of Michigan, USA
Karl-Heinz Rödiger, University of Bremen, Germany
Anirudha Roshi, IIT Bombay, India
Nithya Sambasivan, Google, USA
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research India
Michalis Vitos, University College London, UK
Susan Wyche, Michigan State University, USA

Dr.-Ing. Lutz Frommberger  -  University of Bremen
International Lab for Local Capacity Building - www.capacitylab.org
Cognitive Systems - www.cosy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/staff/lutz/
fon: +49-421-218-642-81   fax: +49-421-218-986-4281

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