Passing along this opportunity for those interested in e-waste

On October 5, the World Affairs Council's Young Professionals International 
Network (YPIN) is hosting an event at the UW Foster School titled, "Where Do 
electronics Go to Die," focused on e-waste, processing of e-waste, and the 
global ramifications of electronics consumption.  We thought this event may be 
of interest to you and your colleagues at UW. We plan a complimentary 
networking reception in advance of the panel as well.

The event details can be found at:
The event is also on Facebook at:!/event.php?eid=125711000810263&ref=ts

Please share this with your colleagues and spread the word to anyone else who 
may be interested. I have also attached a flyer. Feel free to let me know if 
you have questions. We hope you can join us on October 5!


Philippe-Joseph Arida
(for the YPIN board)
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