Correction,  the name of the school is Grand Valley, not Green Valley. 

Also it is Saturday the 3rd not Wednesday the 3rd.  I apologize for my typos.  

Good news we already have a volunteer to take 5 members of the group in!!!

Thanks again everyone helping out!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brad Schlegel 
  To: CVDiscussion - new ; CVChat ; Yahoo - BMOG 
  Cc: St. Mark's -office 
  Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:13 PM
  Subject: Fw: [CV Block Leaders] Please Help Volunteers


  Here is a chance to help out some students!


  Do you think St. Mark's could help out here??

  Please reply to all of my e-mail addresses


  W. Brad Schlegel
  Communications Chair - BMOG
  1552 Oakridge Road
  Baltimore, MD 21218-2228

  410-467-1933 - H
  410-962-9506 - W and Voice Mail

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Katie Beltz 
  Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:42 AM
  Subject: [CV Block Leaders] Please Help Volunteers

  For those of you who received the first email I sent, here are more details.  
The first email I sent out was not very informative, so I hope this helps.

  There is a group of 10 students, from Grand Valley State University in 
Michigan, coming to the Charles Village area to participate in an Alternative 
Spring Break.  These students are giving up their Spring Break and have decided 
to Volunteer instead.  They will be driving here from Michigan in a Van and all 
they need is a place to sleep (not necessarily a bed) and shower.  They can be 
split up, but would prefer to stay in groups.  They buy their own food and 
don't need to be driven anywhere.  The homeowner would be compensated for the 
cost of the students using their water for showering.   These students have 
been volunteering here for several years and come highly recommended.  
Unfortunately the location they have been staying in is no longer available.  

  They would arrive on Saturday March 3rd, 2007 and leave on Friday March 9th.  

  Please, if you or anyone you know would be willing to help house these 
students, please contact Peoples Homesteading Group.

  Mary Harvin at 410-889-0071 x16

  Would others with email lists please send this message around!
  Thank you,


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