Changeset: 5052d18264ac for MonetDB
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: iot
Log Message:

Finished documentation and corrected regular expressions

diffs (truncated from 432 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/conclusion.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/iotclient/documentation/conclusion.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.. _future_work:
+Final Acknowledgements
+Future Work
+Currently the project is on a testing phase. More data types will also be 
+Soon another web server will be built to implement an API for the baskets 
outputs from DataCell.
+.. _about-the-project:
+About the Project
+.. _Send questions and suggestions to e-mail.:
+Project maintained by Pedro Ferreira at CWI. `Send questions and suggestions 
to e-mail.`_
+MonetDB source repository:
+MonetDB solutions:
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/future_work.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/future_work.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-.. _future_work:
-Other information
-.. _future-work:
-Future Work
-Talk about it
-.. _about-the-project:
-About the Project
-IOT stuff
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/index.rst 
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/index.rst
+++ b/clients/iotclient/documentation/index.rst
@@ -16,7 +16,5 @@ Contents:
-   streams_creation.rst
-   future_work.rst
+      conclusion.rst
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/iot_server_arguments.rst 
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/iot_server_arguments.rst
+++ b/clients/iotclient/documentation/iot_server_arguments.rst
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Custom name of the host. By default is t
 Web Server Listening
-For security purposes, two web servers are created by the application. On the 
administration server are present operations to create and delete streams, 
while on application server the insert operations are present instead. The 
administration server should be listening on the host only, while the 
application server should be listening to the outside.
+For security purposes, two web servers are created by the application. On the 
administration server are present operations to create and delete streams, 
while on application server the insert operations are present instead. The 
administration server should be listening on the host only, while the 
application server should be listening to all interfaces.
 **-ih  - -ihost=**
@@ -94,5 +94,3 @@ Name of the user to authenticate. By def
 **-dd  - -ddatabase=**
 Name of database to use. By default is :code:`iotdb` database.
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/restful_resources.rst 
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/restful_resources.rst
+++ b/clients/iotclient/documentation/restful_resources.rst
@@ -5,11 +5,125 @@
 RESTful Resources
+Bellow is lested the available RESTful resource for both servers on IOT 
application. In case of error, the server will return the error message with 
the respective HTTP response code. 
+.. important:: All the keywords provided on JSON must be lower case, as well 
the column data types.
+Administration Server
+The administration server provides resources to create and delete streams. 
Should be listening on the host only.
 .. _streams:
-Talk about this and the others
+Returns a JSON file with details about all the streams currently created on 
the webserver. For each stream besides its schema and name, it provides the 
currently number of tuples inserted on the baskets per column, description of 
columns (`See data types <streams_data_types.html#data_types>`__), the flushing 
method (`See streams creation for details 
<streams_creation.html#creating_streams>`__). An example is shown bellow:
+.. code-block:: json
+       [
+         {
+           "tuples_inserted_per_basket": 1,
+           "columns": [
+             {
+               "type": "real",
+               "name": "temperature",
+               "nullable": false
+             },
+             {
+               "type": "text",
+               "name": "sensorid",
+               "nullable": false
+             }
+           ],
+           "flushing": {
+             "base": "tuple",
+             "number": 50
+           },
+           "stream": "measures",
+           "schema": "temperature"
+         }
+       ]
+Creates a stream using a pre-defined JSON schema. The JSON must include the 
stream's schema, the stream's name, the flushing method which can be either 
time or tuple based and the stream's columns. For tuple based flushing, the 
number of tuples to flush must be provided using the :code:`number` field. In 
time based flushing, the :code:`interval` field tells the time units between 
flushes and the :code:`unit` field must be "s", "m" or "h" for seconds, minutes 
or hours respectively. For columns `see data types for details 
+Bellow is the JSON used to create the stream in streams_:
+.. code-block:: json
+       {
+         "schema": "temperature",
+         "stream": "measures",
+         "flushing": {
+           "base": "tuple",
+           "number": 50
+           },
+         "columns": [
+           {
+             "type": "real",
+             "name": "temperature",
+             "nullable": false
+           },
+           {
+             "type": "text",
+             "name": "sensorid",
+             "nullable": false
+           }
+         ]
+       }
+Deletes an existing stream. Only the stream's schema and name are required. To 
delete the stream in streams_ provide the following JSON:
+.. code-block:: json
+       {
+         "schema": "temperature",
+         "stream": "measures"
+       }
+Application Server
+The application server provides resources to make insertions on streams. 
Should be listening to all interfaces.
+Same resource as streams_ .
+Insert a batch of tuples on the provided stream in the URL. The insert must be 
an array of JSON object with pairs of column-value. All tuples are validaded 
according to the defined data types on each column. If there is an invalid 
tuple, none of the tuples is inserted. The implicit timestamp and the host 
identifier are automatically added. Bellow is shown an example to insert 
several tuples on the stream in streams_:
+.. code-block:: json
+       [
+         {
+           "sensorid": "living room",
+           "temperature": 32.6
+         },
+         {
+           "sensorid": "kitchen",
+           "temperature": 34.2
+         },
+         {
+           "sensorid": "bathroom",
+           "temperature": 28.9
+         }
+       ]
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/streams_creation.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/streams_creation.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _creating_streams:
-Creating Streams
-Talk about streams creation
diff --git a/clients/iotclient/documentation/streams_data_types.rst 
--- a/clients/iotclient/documentation/streams_data_types.rst
+++ b/clients/iotclient/documentation/streams_data_types.rst
@@ -1,15 +1,111 @@
 .. _data_types:
 Available Data Types
-Start talking about them
+The following list contains the available data types for columns creation on 
the stream engine. The list was made as much compatible with `MonetDB's data 
types <>`_. 
For each column definiton, one of the types from the list must be provided 
along with its name.      
-.. _text:
+By default a column is not nullable, but the pair :code:`"nullable": true` can 
be provided to make it nullable. There is also the possibility to add a default 
value if the column value is not present on a JSON insert tuple (ex: 
:code:`"default": "text"`). The default value is validated against the column's 
validation during the stream creation.
+.. warning:: A column cannot be nullable and have a default value 
-This the text
+.. important:: The provided keys as well as the types values on the JSON 
object during the creation request must be lowercase.
+Text Types
+Text, String, Character Large Object
+MonetDB's string types with unbounded length. The insertion must be provided 
as a JSON string.
+Char, Character, Varchar, Character Varying
+MonetDB's string types with a bounded length. The :code:`limit` parameter must 
be provided as an interger. The insertion must be provided as a JSON string 
within the limit.
+An *Universally Unique Identifier* according to `RFC 4122 
<>`_. The insertion as a JSON string is 
validated against the regular expression 
+An *IPv4* address. The insertion as a JSON string is validated against the 
regular expression :code:`^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$` with further 
semantic validation.
+An *Uniform Resource Locator* as a specific type of an URI is validated 
according to `RFC 3987 <>`_. The insertion 
must also be a JSON String.
+Number Types
+For all number types, a minimum and maximum values can be added for validation.
+Tinyint, Smallint, Int, Integer, Bigint, Hugeint
+Signed integers. The type name specifies its bit capacity. If the value is 
grater than the bit capacity, it will be truncated. The insertion must be 
provided as a JSON integer.
+| **Type**     | **Size** |
+| Tinyint      |   8      |
+| Smallint     |  16      |
+| Int, Integer |  32      |
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