I don't now how how many of you get this list.  Theres one 69 Chev

Larry Williams
65 SS 427
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Automatic notice for old vehicles

> Hello, collectors. Below are vehicles scheduled for July 13 delivery in
> the South Coast area:
> Vehicle: 71 FORD                      Partial VIN: F25HRJ81
> Vehicle: 70 TOYO                      Partial VIN: RN120091
> Vehicle: 69 FORD                      Partial VIN: 9R91M502
> Vehicle: 73 MERC                      Partial VIN: 3H07H649
> Vehicle: 81 HOND                      Partial VIN: JHMZM532
> Below are additional vehicles scheduled for June 29 delivery in the
> South Coast area:
> Vehicle: 78 FORD                      Partial VIN: E14HHBK7
> Vehicle: 80 FORD                      Partial VIN: E14EHGJ8
> Vehicle: 78 HOND      CP              Partial VIN: SGC45390
> Vehicle: 69 CHEV                      Partial VIN: 1N69G9C1
> Vehicle: 80 FORD                      Partial VIN: 0R05B149
> Below are vehicles previously noticed for June 29 delivery in the South
> Coast area shown again here for newcomers:
> Vehicle: 80 HOND                      Partial VIN: WDB10167
> Vehicle: 79 TOYO                      Partial VIN: TE513900
> Vehicle: 80 TOYO                      Partial VIN: TE720544
> Vehicle: 77 CHEV                      Partial VIN: 1L47L7C1
> Vehicle: 79 LINC                     Partial VIN: 9Y89S710
> Vehicle: 80 TOYT      PK              Partial VIN: RN320538
> Vehicle: 81 TOYO                      Partial VIN: JT2RA43C
> Vehicle: 78 FORD                      Partial VIN: 8K92T234
> Vehicle: 79 CADI                      Partial VIN: IEST526
> Vehicle: 71 CHEV                      Partial VIN: 136361L1
> Vehicle: 74 FORD                      Partial VIN: F10YLU48
> Vehicle: 80 CHEV                      Partial VIN: 1Z37HAR4
> Vehicle: 80 VOLV      SD              Partial VIN: VC24245A
> Vehicle: 70 FORD                      Partial VIN: 0Z67K550
> Vehicle: 81 DATS                      Partial VIN: JN1PB02S
> Vehicle: 74 VOLKS                     Partial VIN: 13423079
> Vehicle: 79 CHEV                      Partial VIN: 1B08E9A1
> Vehicle: 77 DODGE                     Partial VIN: B11AE7X1
> Vehicle: 80 BUIC                      Partial VIN: 4Z57RAE4
> Vehicle: 77 TOYO                      Partial VIN: TE312603
> Vehicle: 79 FORD                      Partial VIN: E04GHED5
> If you are sincerely interested in making an appointment to go to the
> dismantler to inspect and potentially buy any of these vehicles, please
> let me know by responding to this email.
> To repeat a note sent in previous reports, in response to several
> requests for specific vehicle types, as yet, the VAVR automatic
> notification service does not filter vehicle types, but you should be
> able to quickly scan the list to determine if what you are looking for
> is among the list of vehicles. Also, partial VIN numbers are only
> available for expediency and privacy reasons, and the particular model
> is not available until you express sincere interest in the vehicle. If
> you opt to withdraw from this service, reply to this email with a
> request to remove your name from the list. Please contact me if you have
> any further questions. My contact information is below. Thank you, Chuck
> B.
> --
> Chuck Bennett
> Air Resources Engineer
> Mobile Source Control Division
> On-Road Controls
> P.O. Box 2815
> Sacramento, CA 95812
> Phone: (916) 322-2321
> Fax:   (916) 322-3923
> ===================
> The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs
> to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of
> simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy cost, see our web
> site at http://www.arb.ca.gov

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