> I believe that the scaling done in `C_random_fixnum` is indeed dangerous as it
> may lead to badly-distributed results.
> Using a 64bit PRNG with the "proper" reduction procedure (avoid using the
> modulo, have a look at OpenBSD `arc4random_uniform`) is, IMO, the way to go:
> you
> can easily re
Hello hackers,
Thanks for working on the implementation, Felix!
Here's a few notes I jotted down while going trough the diff.
I believe that the scaling done in `C_random_fixnum` is indeed dangerous as it
may lead to badly-distributed results.
Using a 64bit PRNG with the "proper" reduction proced
I have pushed a branch with a new implementation and API for obtaining random
numbers in CHICKEN 5 to the git repository. The API design resulted mostly by
from Kooda and me, together with a lot of bikeshedding on #chicken. The
implementation in the "randomness" branch is by me, inc