Yes! Let's make this as exciting as the other years. Also the GNU Guix
days are being prepared for so it will be a total of 4 days. 

Those of you who have attended other years may want to recommend
others to join this year and tell use how it benefited you or the
project. I encountered GNU Guix at FOSDEM and have been involved
since. Every time FOSDEM has a great influence on what I do in the
year after. This time I am flying especially from the USA for FOSDEM.

In my opinion it is a great experience and my favorite conference
every year. That is why we make such an effort organizing it. If you
want to be a speaker/volunteer you can contact Manolis or me.

Please share your experience here!!


On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 09:04:10PM +0300, Manolis Ragkousis wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> It's time we get started again for FOSDEM 2020! Please read the proposal
> in [1] and offer suggestions and updates to the text. We have a deadline
> for the devroom proposal until the 20th of September, but we would like
> to have the proposal ready before that!
> Also start thinking about talk ideas!
> The devroom will allow all of our projects to cooperate, share ideas and
> improve! To get an idea check [2].
> Let's make this year's FOSDEM even better, with an even greater
> "Minimalistic Languages - for big ideas" devroom.
> Manolis and Pj
> [1]
> [2]

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