Jens wrote some code for this in case there is nothing in Chicken for
it at the moment.

Only thing is doesnt do is return the multiplier for the factorization.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jens Axel Søgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 11, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: gettings roots (and multiplier) of a polynomial
equation and vice versa + Gnu Scientific Library
To: Terrence Brannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Feel free to forward this to the Chicken mailing list
(I would myself if I were subscribed)]

Terrence Brannon wrote:
> I'm wondering if I overlooked an egg that can do this:
> 1 - given the (real) coefficients of all terms of a polynomial
> equation, it returns the roots and multiplier representation of it:
> For example, the polynomial 2x + 2x^2 factors down to 2 * (x-(-1))(x-0),
> so the multiplier is 2 and the roots are 0 and -1

Here is an implementation of a method from "Numerical Recipes in C":

Your example is solved like this:

  > (roots '(0.0 2.0 2.0))
  (-1.0 0.0)

Numerical code is tricky, so I wrote a literal translation.
It ain't pretty, but it works.

/Jens Axel Søgaard

; roots : (list numbers) -> (list numbers)
;   return list of roots of the polynomial with
;   coeffecients from the argument list, lowest degree first
(define (roots coeffs)
  (let* ([degree (- (length coeffs) 1)]
         [roots  (make-vector degree 0.0)])
    (polynomial-roots-all (list->vector coeffs) degree roots)
    (sort (vector->list roots)
          (lambda (x y)
            (or (< (real-part x) (real-part y))
                (and (= (real-part x) (real-part y))
                     (< (imag-part x) (imag-part y))))))))

(define (polynomial-roots-laguerre a m x)
  ; Given the complex coefficients in the vector a of the
  ; polynomial (sum (i 0 m) a_i * x^i ) and a complex value
  ; x this routine improves x by Laguerre's method until
  ; it converges to a root of the polynoial.

  (define-syntax vr
    (syntax-rules () [(_ v i)   (vector-ref  v i)]))
  (define-syntax vs!
    (syntax-rules () [(_ v i x) (vector-set! v i x)]))
  (define-syntax define*
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ () v)           (begin)]
      [(_ (id ids ...) v) (begin (define id v) (define* (ids ...) v))]))
  (define-syntax :=      (syntax-rules () [(_ id v) (set! id v)]))

  (define* (iter its j MAXIT) 1)
  (define* (abx abp abm err) 0.0)
  (define* (dx x1 b d f g h sq gp gm g2) 0.0)
  (define frac (vector 0.0 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.13 0.38 0.62 0.88 1.0))

  (define MR 8)
  (define MT 10)
  (define EPSS 1.0e-7)
  (set! MAXIT (* MT MR))
  (let ([return #f])
    (do ([iter 1 (+ iter 1)]) [(or return (> iter MAXIT))]
      (:= its iter)
      (:= b (vr a m))
      (:= err (abs b))
      (:= f 0.0+0.0i)
      (:= d f)
      (:= abx (magnitude x))
      (do ([j (- m 1) (- j 1)]) [(or return (< j 0))]
        (:= f (+ (* x f) d))
        (:= d (+ (* x d) b))
        (:= b (+ (* x b) (vr a j)))
        (:= err (+ (magnitude b) (* abx err))))
      (:= err (* err EPSS))
      (if (<= (magnitude b) err)
          (set! return x)
            (:= g (/ d b))
            (:= g2 (* g g))
            (:= h (- g2 (* 2.0 (/ f b))))
            (:= sq (sqrt (* (- m 1) (- (* m h) g2))))
            (:= gp (+ g sq))
            (:= gm (- g sq))
            (:= abp (magnitude gp))
            (:= abm (magnitude gm))
            (if (< abp abm)
                (:= gp gm))
            (:= dx (if (> (max abp abm) 0.0)
                       (/ m gp)
                       (* (+ 1 abx)
                          (+ (cos iter) (* (sin iter) 0.0+1.0i)))))
            (:= x1 (- x dx))
            (if (= x x1)
                (set! return x)
                  (if (= 0 (modulo iter MT))
                      (:= x x1)
                      (:= x (- x (* (/ iter MT) dx)))))))))
    (if return
         "polynomial-roots-laguerre: too many iterations - try another

(define (polynomial-roots-all a m roots)
  ; Given the complex coefficients in the vector a of the
  ; polynomial (sum (i 0 m) a_i * x^i ) the degree m
  ; (if a is longer than m the end of a is ignored)
  ; this routine fills the vector roots with
  ; the roots
  (define-syntax vr
    (syntax-rules () [(_ v i)   (vector-ref  v i)]))
  (define-syntax vs!
    (syntax-rules () [(_ v i x) (vector-set! v i x)]))
  (define-syntax define*
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ () v)           (begin)]
      [(_ (id ids ...) v) (begin (define id v) (define* (ids ...) v))]))
  (define-syntax :=      (syntax-rules () [(_ id v) (set! id v)]))
  (define-syntax --      (syntax-rules () [(_ n) (sub1 n)]))

  (define polish #t)
  (define EPS 2.0e-6)
  (define MAXM 100)

  (define* (i its j jj) 0)
  (define* (x b c) 0.0)
  (define ad 0)
  (set! ad (make-vector MAXM 0.0))

  (do ([j 0 (+ j 1)]) [(> j m)]
    (vs! ad j (vr a j)))
  (do ([j m (- j 1)]) [(< j 1)]
    (:= x 0.0+0.0i)
    (:= x (polynomial-roots-laguerre ad j x))
    (if (<= (abs (imag-part x)) (* 2.0 EPS (abs (real-part x))))
        (:= x (real-part x)))
    (vs! roots (-- j) x)
    (:= b (vr ad j))
    (do ([jj (- j 1) (- jj 1)]) [(< jj 0)]
      (:= c (vr ad jj))
      (vs! ad jj b)
      (:= b (+ (* x b) c))))
  (if polish
      (do ([j 1 (+ j 1)]) [(> j m)]
        (vs! roots (-- j)
             (polynomial-roots-laguerre a m (vr roots (-- j)))))))

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