If I have an array with dimension-list '(2 3) whose contents at each
position is an array of dimension-list '(4 5), how can I use
array-join to create an array of
dimension-list '(2 3 4 5)

I would post the code, but:
1 - I think this question is easy for anyone who knows the API well [Kon :)]
2 - the code to generate the  is very involved. If you would like to
get it then simply

a) Unzip http://hg.metaperl.com/redick/archive/aae0c0bbe51b.zip
b) load the file "verbs.scm" which will load everything else.
c) load the file scheme/issues/how-to-array-join.scm which will create
an array of dimension '(2 3) which has elements of dimension '(4 5)

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