Moderator here.  I'd like to make a couple of requests about sending
in posts.

When there's a thread topic being discussed, rather than just typing out your
reply and clicking "send", Please remember to (1) Change the SUBJECT
HEADING so that it reflects what you're talking about

(2) PLEASE think to scroll down and DELETE everything below your post
that doesn't belong there, like the endless previous posts and automatic
Yahoo attachments that just go on and on.  Please eliminate all that clutter,
leaving only your message and, if appropriate, the previous message you're
responding to.

3) If it takes more than 2 emails to get your point across, then stop, you've made your point, otherwise, in fact, you kinda lose your credibility, I don't care for what reason. Hitting us over the head, over and over, with the same argument, is just that an argument, and that is NOT What this group is about.
4) Arguments will not be tolerated in this public forum. Friendly disagreements, sure, that happens whenever you have more than 2 people in a room.
5) Gossip will not be tolerated. We're adults, let's act like we're being role models for the young ones around us.
6) If someone emails you in private, and you feel it's harassment, Please don't further that negative influence by sharing it with the group. Disagreement breeds more disagreement, don't further the cause of a person wishing for negative attention. Delete the post. Block that person's email. And alert me to the person(s) doing this, as I can keep my eye on their group behavior. You  can do this via my personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7) Remember, This group is not mine, it's not yours (individually), it's a shared space of Chihuahua Lover's community, for us all.
8) NO CAPS (yelling), no reason to do the cyber yelling, No Reason, I consider it rude. It is rude. There is enough rudeness in this 21st century, we don't need to add to it.
9) If you feel someone in the group, is being argumentative, bringing a negative influence to the group, You can alert me to that, perhaps I missed it. Again by sending an email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bill (SFO) San Francisco CA
group moderator.

" Lets talk about our wonderful little friends!
Join today! "


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