[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29673 in chromium: Graphics tearing/display errors

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29673 by victor.trac: Graphics tearing/display errors http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29673 I unintentionally submitted this with the OS-All tab, but this only happens on my Linux box, which happens to run the latest daily builds from Ubuntu PPA. -- You r

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29673 in chromium: Graphics tearing/display errors

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29673 by victor.trac: Graphics tearing/display errors http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29673 Chrome Version : (Developer Build Ubuntu build 33962) URLs (if applicable) : http://www.

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28689 in chromium: CPU profiling can't be controlled when page loops endlessly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #2 on issue 28689 by bugdro...@chromium.org: CPU profiling can't be controlled when page loops endlessly http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28689 The following revision refers to this bug: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=34041 --

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 5083 in chromium: High browser process CPU usage from Flash on Vista

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #74 on issue 5083 by Robert.L.Oliver: High browser process CPU usage from Flash on Vista http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5083 Presently on on XP (which, oddly, is apparently the latest Beta and Dev version, which I find hard to believe). I'm seeing bad Fl

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29549 in chromium: White background after content

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29549 by mkterra: White background after content http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29549 Same as Issue 5388. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or because you starred this issue. You may adjust your is

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 24885 in chromium: DCHECK is not friendly to googletest's "death tests" on Windows

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #7 on issue 24885 by timur...@chromium.org: DCHECK is not friendly to googletest's "death tests" on Windows http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24885 Filed http://code.google.com/p/googletest/issues/detail?id=234 -- You received this message because you are listed in the

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29563 in chromium: Flash blocks fill the entire web page

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #8 on issue 29563 by iced.773: Flash blocks fill the entire web page http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29563 I'm getting this too. It started with a build from a few days ago and has been getting worse with each additional build. Also just discovered as typing this -

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #36 on issue 29504 by fernandezm: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504 I've just updated from Ubuntu Daily PPA to " (Ubuntu build 34029)" and now this bug seems to be fixed. Thank you! -- You rec

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29672 in chromium: Display Shearing/Garbled Pages

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29672 by paul.a.bellamy: Display Shearing/Garbled Pages http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29672 Chromium (Developer Build Ubuntu build 33962) WebKit 532.6 V8 2.0.3 User Agent

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28689 in chromium: CPU profiling can't be controlled when page loops endlessly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 28689 by bugdro...@chromium.org: CPU profiling can't be controlled when page loops endlessly http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28689 The following revision refers to this bug: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=34040 --

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #35 on issue 29504 by jtatria: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504, build 33962 was known to be affected by this issue. the fix mentioned above was applied in build 33980. -- You received this m

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #34 on issue 29504 by joman...@gmail.com: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504 @m.cohomology: From comment 20, you can see that this bug is fixed in r33980. You have r33962. 33962 < 33980. So you need to wa

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #33 on issue 29504 by defconoii: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504 attached is an example of the issue Attachments: Screenshot-7.png 250 KB -- You received this message because you are listed in

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28821 in chromium: WebKit Bug 31889 - WebCore::WebGLArrayBufferInternal::byteLengthAttrGetter NULL pointer

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Owner: k...@chromium.org Comment #3 on issue 28821 by k...@chromium.org: WebKit Bug 31889 - WebCore::WebGLArrayBufferInternal::byteLengthAttrGetter NULL pointer http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28821 Fixed per https://bugs.webkit.org/show

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29670 in chromium: Page Rendering Problem

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #2 on issue 29670 by defconoii: Page Rendering Problem http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29670 I have the same issue with (Ubuntu build 33962), everything smears and is blacked out, when you mouseover anything it scrambles and every page goes blank, it isnt

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #32 on issue 29504 by m.cohomology: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504 After today's update [to version (Ubuntu build 33962)], it got worse! Now the problem is evident on the "New Tab" page. Thi

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29670 in chromium: Page Rendering Problem

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29670 by defconoii: Page Rendering Problem http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29670 I have the same issue with (Ubuntu build 33962), everything smears and is blacked out, when you mouseover anything it scrambles and every page goes blank, it isnt

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29671 in chromium: Sync Bookmarks: Allow option to only import bookmarks for public PCs

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29671 by VonDieFinsternis: Sync Bookmarks: Allow option to only import bookmarks for public PCs http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29671 When using a public PC, it tend to have bookmarks of its own

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 13907 in chromium: Layout tests failures for HTML5 audio/video

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Labels: LTTF Comment #100 on issue 13907 by dglaz...@chromium.org: Layout tests failures for HTML5 audio/video http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=13907 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 4360 in chromium: Enable HTML5 name/value storage APIs (DOM storage/Localstorage)

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Labels: LTTF Comment #40 on issue 4360 by dglaz...@chromium.org: Enable HTML5 name/value storage APIs (DOM storage/Localstorage) http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4360 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are liste

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29240 in chromium: Should not use dynamic memory in signal handlers

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #7 on issue 29240 by willc...@chromium.org: Should not use dynamic memory in signal handlers http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29240 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are listed in the owne

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29670 in chromium: Page Rendering Problem

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: OS-Linux Area-Misc Type-Bug New issue 29670 by zheng.hx.cn: Page Rendering Problem http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29670 Chrome Version : (Ubuntu build 33962) URLs (if applicable) : Other browsers tested: Add OK or FAIL

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29453 in chromium: Layout test failures for 2 SVG gradient tests

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Cc: senorbla...@chromium.org Labels: -Pri-1 Pri-2 Mstone-X LayoutTests Comment #2 on issue 29453 by dglaz...@chromium.org: Layout test failures for 2 SVG gradient tests http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29453 More than likely http://trac.webkit.org/chan

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29240 in chromium: Should not use dynamic memory in signal handlers

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #6 on issue 29240 by bugdro...@chromium.org: Should not use dynamic memory in signal handlers http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29240 The following revision refers to this bug: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=34036 -

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29504 in chromium: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #30 on issue 29504 by craig.schlen...@chromium.org: Screen corruption (black squares, distortion) since r33865 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29504 Issue 29642 has been merged into this issue. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fi

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29642 in chromium: Corrupt images / screen in buildbot snapshot 33978

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Duplicate Mergedinto: 29504 Comment #2 on issue 29642 by craig.schlen...@chromium.org: Corrupt images / screen in buildbot snapshot 33978 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29642 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this mes

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26055 in chromium: Asking for a 3D Canvas Context Crashes Tab in Windows

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #15 on issue 26055 by dwahler: Asking for a 3D Canvas Context Crashes Tab in Windows http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26055 I can reproduce this on the following platforms: Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit, OpenGL 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.16, Chrome r33427 (error message: "Gr

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 27011 in chromium: Gmail is https but shows insecure content (orange triangle)

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #22 on issue 27011 by guilhermektti: Gmail is https but shows insecure content (orange triangle) http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=27011 To make it clear, I'll explain that there're two bugs related to this point: [Bug 1] The address bar provides the lock saying that t

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 10812 in chromium: No java plugin support yet

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #29 on issue 10812 by herokocho: No java plugin support yet http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10812 is this ever going to be solved, this seems like its been here a while -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or beca

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 2564 in chromium: Kingsoft Powerword cannot read off words in the web page rendering area

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #27 on issue 2564 by d...@chromium.org: Kingsoft Powerword cannot read off words in the web page rendering area http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2564 Issue 29665 has been merged into this issue. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fi

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29665 in chromium: KingSof t Powerword (谷歌金山词霸2.0) will not recongize wor ds within the Google Chrome program

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Duplicate Labels: -Area-Misc Area-WebKit Mergedinto: 2564 Comment #1 on issue 29665 by d...@chromium.org: KingSoft Powerword (谷歌金山 词霸2.0) will not recongize words within the Google Chrome program http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29665 Th

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29669 in chromium: Monitor power status on Mac and Linux

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Available Owner: CC: pinker...@chromium.org, e...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-Mac Area-BrowserBackend OS-Linux Mstone-X New issue 29669 by willc...@chromium.org: Monitor power status on Mac and Linux http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29669 Currently we

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29667 in chromium: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #2 on issue 29667 by osh...@chromium.org: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29667 ah, you're absolutely right. That solved the issue. Thanks a lot! -- You received this message

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29667 in chromium: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29667 by tha...@chromium.org: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29667 How much virtual ram did you give your vm? You probably need to give it more. -- You received this message because you are li

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29668 in chromium: Glitchy Rendering/Display

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29668 by gabeotisbenson: Glitchy Rendering/Display http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29668 Chrome Version : (Developer Build Ubuntu build 33962) URLs (if applicable) : Other browsers

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29667 in chromium: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: osh...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-3 OS-Linux Area-Misc Build New issue 29667 by osh...@chromium.org: goobuntu dies when compiling chrome on goobuntu on vmplayer http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29667 What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. ins

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29666 in chromium: Chrome doesn't quit while edit search engines dialog is open

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: rse...@chromium.org CC: tha...@chromium.org Labels: OS-Mac Area-BrowserUI Pri-2 Type-Bug New issue 29666 by tha...@chromium.org: Chrome doesn't quit while edit search engines dialog is open http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29666 Chrome Version :

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 16735 in chromium: HTML 5 Video Full screen - Feature Enhancement Request

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #16 on issue 16735 by fbarch...@chromium.org: HTML 5 Video Full screen - Feature Enhancement Request http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16735 Here's a link for Firefox 3.6 fullscreen http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2009/10/firefox-3-6-gets-full-screen-native-video/ -- You r

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29649 in chromium: Screen is blurry and unreadable

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29649 by homeofpoe: Screen is blurry and unreadable http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29649 I experience this same issue. 32-bit, Ubuntu 9.10, chromium (Ubuntu build 33962) It seems to happen most when I'm scrolling or selecting things, or clicking

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 23221 in chromium: accesskey is not supported on Chromium Mac.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #11 on issue 23221 by bugdro...@chromium.org: accesskey is not supported on Chromium Mac. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=23221 The following revision refers to this bug: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=34035 -

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 20997 in chromium: Uninitialized param in IPC::Channel::ChannelImpl::Send

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #24 on issue 20997 by ma...@chromium.org: Uninitialized param in IPC::Channel::ChannelImpl::Send http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20997 So, for the one I'm seeing the issue is that it's doing a straight memcpy of a Webkit::WebMouseEvent, and due to the padding inside

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29665 in chromium: KingSoft Po werword (谷歌金山词霸2.0) will not recongize words w ithin the Google Chrome program

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29665 by Supaiku: KingSoft Powerword (谷歌金山词霸2.0) will not recongize words within the Google Chrome program http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29665 Chrome Version : URLs (if applic

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29664 in chromium: Yasm crashes on mac

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: hc...@chromium.org CC: ajw...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc Build New issue 29664 by hc...@chromium.org: Yasm crashes on mac http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29664 What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Click to this link: http:

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29330 in chromium: Preload STS headers for Extension Gallery

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Started Comment #3 on issue 29330 by a...@chromium.org: Preload STS headers for Extension Gallery http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29330 http://codereview.chromium.org/460135 -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC field

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29663 in chromium: Favorites imported from Iceweasel to Chrome doesn't appear on omnibox

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: OS-Linux Area-Misc Type-Bug New issue 29663 by e...@ymail.com: Favorites imported from Iceweasel to Chrome doesn't appear on omnibox http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29663 Chrome Version : OS + version : Debian Squeeze C

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 23570 in chromium: Search engine editor lacks keyword groups

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #7 on issue 23570 by rse...@chromium.org: Search engine editor lacks keyword groups http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=23570 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC f

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29662 in chromium: Chromium should be more aware of wifi status

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29662 by CalebEgg: Chromium should be more aware of wifi status http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29662 What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Boot/un-suspend/start connect to a network 2. Before t

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26140 in chromium: Chrome Linux single click does not select all

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #126 on issue 26140 by pkast...@chromium.org: Chrome Linux single click does not select all http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26140 "Isn't this bug the discussion of the results of the experiment?" No, discussion like this on bugs is noise. I'm referring to actual p

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 23272 in chromium: Support pinned tabs on Mac

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Owner: viettrun...@chromium.org Comment #3 on issue 23272 by tha...@chromium.org: Support pinned tabs on Mac http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=23272 trungl did the lion share of this already; there are more focused bug for the remaining wo

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29661 in chromium: flickr : upload photo has paint issue

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-Linux Area-Compat-Web New issue 29661 by jasn...@chromium.org: flickr : upload photo has paint issue http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29661 Google Chrome (Official Build 33928) : not ok FF3 : ok What steps w

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26055 in chromium: Asking for a 3D Canvas Context Crashes Tab in Windows

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #14 on issue 26055 by benjo316: Asking for a 3D Canvas Context Crashes Tab in Windows http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26055 64-bit, with 64-bit Chromium (I think it is, anyway; I'm using 64-bit Flash). (Ubuntu build 33943) -- You received this message bec

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29648 in chromium: orkut : add photos pop-up opens in background

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29648 by jasn...@chromium.org: orkut : add photos pop-up opens in background http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29648 Same issue seen with flickr -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or because you star

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29660 in chromium: Corrupted screen when scrolling over mouseover elements

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29660 by aaronmandle: Corrupted screen when scrolling over mouseover elements http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29660 Chrome Version : Chromium4.0.266.0 (Developer Build Ubuntu buil

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 25616 in chromium: LayoutTests/fast/overflow/overflow-float-stacking.html failure because of the generic theme

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Summary: LayoutTests/fast/overflow/overflow-float-stacking.html failure because of the generic theme Owner: dpra...@chromium.org Cc: tk...@chromium.org ka...@chromium.org Comment #5 on issue 25616 by tk...@chromium.org: LayoutTests/fast/overflow/overflow-float

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 6882 in chromium: autocomplete should use omnibox style inline autofill

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Blockedon: 29645 Comment #13 on issue 6882 by zelid...@chromium.org: autocomplete should use omnibox style inline autofill http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=6882 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are listed in t

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29645 in chromium: Prevent exposing autocomplete values via Javascript

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Issue 29645: Prevent exposing autocomplete values via Javascript http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29645 This issue is now blocking issue 6882. See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=6882 -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC field

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29645 in chromium: Prevent exposing autocomplete values via Javascript

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Cc: dglaz...@chromium.org Comment #1 on issue 29645 by zelid...@chromium.org: Prevent exposing autocomplete values via Javascript http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29645 The original bug morphed and this is the one to track now: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_b

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28419 in chromium: Clean up ntp sync handler code

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Cc: a...@chromium.org Comment #2 on issue 28419 by miran...@chromium.org: Clean up ntp sync handler code http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28419 We also should remove the "bookmark sync" option from the drop-down menu on the NTP, as it's confusing since bookm

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29604 in chromium: 'Bookmark synch' link on NNTP does nothing, when synched.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Assigned Owner: ch...@chromium.org Labels: Mstone-4 Feature-Sync ReleaseBlock-Stable Comment #1 on issue 29604 by lafo...@chromium.org: 'Bookmark synch' link on NNTP does nothing, when synched. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29604 (No

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29655 in chromium: Browser crash on navigating SSL error and Malware page very fast.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Owner: --- Cc: jcam...@chromium.org w...@chromium.org Comment #1 on issue 29655 by venkataram...@chromium.org: Browser crash on navigating SSL error and Malware page very fast. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29655 (No comment was entered for this cha

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29615 in chromium: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #5 on issue 29615 by wjkirby: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29615 I concur with the masover. This started for me within the last week. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit using Chromium from the ppa repo. This happens on my des

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29630 in chromium: Extensions: content scripts not loaded in iframes (unless pushed by parent frame)

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Owner: a...@chromium.org Labels: -Area-Misc -Pri-2 Feature-Extensions Pri-1 Mstone-5 Comment #1 on issue 29630 by a...@chromium.org: Extensions: content scripts not loaded in iframes (unless pushed by parent frame) http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2963

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29609 in chromium: Check/Unchecking 'Bookmark Sync' item from the action drop-down menu, should show/hide the status

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: WontFix Owner: miran...@chromium.org Comment #2 on issue 29609 by miran...@chromium.org: Check/Unchecking 'Bookmark Sync' item from the action drop-down menu, should show/hide the status http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29609 Just discussed w

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29656 in chromium: Unexpected spaces in-between zh-CN and ja text in bookmark sync merging window

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Upstream Owner: --- Comment #1 on issue 29656 by vivi...@chromium.org: Unexpected spaces in-between zh-CN and ja text in bookmark sync merging window http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29656 up streamed the issue internally at http://b/2310949 -

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29658 in chromium: Scrolling on page with Flash produces big black bar across page

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 29658 by cooke1729: Scrolling on page with Flash produces big black bar across page http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29658 Chrome Version : (Ubuntu build 33943) URLs : http://xtre

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29615 in chromium: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #4 on issue 29615 by Jamin.Thorns: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29615 This issue is s bad. I'm using version from the Ubuntu Chromium PPA. THis should be moved to urgent. -- You received this message because you

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29656 in chromium: Unexpected spaces in-between zh-CN and ja text in bookmark sync merging window

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: vivi...@chromium.org CC: id...@chromium.org, song...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc I18N Translation New issue 29656 by vivi...@chromium.org: Unexpected spaces in-between zh-CN and ja text in bookmark sync merging window http://code.google.com/p/ch

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29651 in chromium: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #3 on issue 29651 by suna...@chromium.org: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29651 The video UI appears, but the video doesn't load. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of t

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29632 in chromium: Download arrow should not show up for extension install

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 29632 by divi...@hotmail.com: Download arrow should not show up for extension install http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29632 Is this going to be fixed in time for 4.0 or at all? I also find it quite annoying..to say the least. -- You received this messag

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 16912 in chromium: Unable to view Gif imgaes

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #5 on issue 16912 by fabio.turati: Unable to view Gif imgaes http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16912 But Chrome is the only browser that can't open those files... I don't know if these pictures have something particular. Probably they do, because Chrome can normally di

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28168 in chromium: add a use_system_yasm flag into ffmpeg.gyp to make ubuntu packaging easier.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Started Owner: scher...@chromium.org Labels: -Area-Misc Area-BrowserBackend Video HTML5 Mstone-X Comment #1 on issue 28168 by scher...@chromium.org: add a use_system_yasm flag into ffmpeg.gyp to make ubuntu packaging easier. http://code.google.com/p/chrom

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 27578 in chromium: Weather Channel hour-by-hour webpage does not appear

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #5 on issue 27578 by jameslhl: Weather Channel hour-by-hour webpage does not appear http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=27578 Tried on December 7, 2009 using a regular window and it now appears to be working. -- You received this message because you are listed in the o

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29651 in chromium: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #2 on issue 29651 by scher...@chromium.org: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29651 hrmm initial tests appear to be working on I did find an interesting issue when using incognito mode (open same video

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29655 in chromium: Browser crash on navigating SSL error and Malware page very fast.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: venkataram...@chromium.org CC: lafo...@chromium.org, mal.chromium, anan...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-Linux Area-Misc Crash New issue 29655 by venkataram...@chromium.org: Browser crash on navigating SSL error and Malware page very fast. http://code.google.c

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26365 in chromium: We need to remove CleanUp() from base::Thread and come up with another mechanism to do cleanup.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 26365 by jor...@chromium.org: We need to remove CleanUp() from base::Thread and come up with another mechanism to do cleanup. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26365 FYI: There is an issue for adding a warning to GCC: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.c

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29552 in chromium: Looking at text files requires a lot of memory

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #8 on issue 29552 by hu...@chromium.org: Looking at text files requires a lot of memory http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29552 The concern is for a plain text file instead of a tarball. What is the memory status for a 25mb plain text file? or a 25mb plain text file w

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29654 in chromium: Run some buildbot test with top extension installed

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Labels: Feature-Extensions Comment #1 on issue 29654 by erik...@chromium.org: Run some buildbot test with top extension installed http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29654 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are lis

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 24980 in chromium: Can open multiple Clear Browsing data dialogs.

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Started Owner: feldst...@chromium.org Comment #8 on issue 24980 by feldst...@chromium.org: Can open multiple Clear Browsing data dialogs. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24980 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this mes

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29651 in chromium: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Labels: Video HTML5 Comment #1 on issue 29651 by scher...@chromium.org: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29651 going to take a quick look on -- You received this message because you are listed i

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 10812 in chromium: No java plugin support yet

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #28 on issue 10812 by skyisle: No java plugin support yet http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10812 Today, new java update is arrived. check this out please. http://bit.ly/7IqRh6 -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue,

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26696 in chromium: Facebook pop.mp3 gets downloaded if the chrome tab/windows is inactive

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #4 on issue 26696 by kazulistico: Facebook pop.mp3 gets downloaded if the chrome tab/windows is inactive http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26696 same on -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or because y

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 10812 in chromium: No java plugin support yet

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #27 on issue 10812 by skyisle: No java plugin support yet http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10812 Today new java update is arrived. check this out. http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/releasenotes/CrossPlatform/JavaSnowLeopard Update1LeopardUpdate6RN/ResolvedIssues

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29609 in chromium: Check/Unchecking 'Bookmark Sync' item from the action drop-down menu, should show/hide the status

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Assigned Owner: z...@chromium.org Cc: miran...@chromium.org id...@chromium.org n...@chromium.org z...@chromium.org Labels: Mstone-4 ReleaseBlock-Stable Comment #1 on issue 29609 by lafo...@chromium.org: Check/Unchecking 'Bookmark Sync' item from

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29654 in chromium: Run some buildbot test with top extension installed

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: CC: lafo...@chromium.org, hu...@chromium.org, nsylv...@chromium.org, erik...@chromium.org, j...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Infrastructure New issue 29654 by hu...@chromium.org: Run some buildbot test with top extension installed http://cod

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29653 in chromium: aria-scrollbar-role.html is failing

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc LayoutTests New issue 29653 by atwil...@chromium.org: aria-scrollbar-role.html is failing http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29653 Somewhere in the webkit merge from r51642:r51681 this test started failing.

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 27688 in chromium: Extensions might need an increased WebDatabase quota

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Summary: Extensions might need an increased WebDatabase quota Owner: --- Comment #10 on issue 27688 by jor...@chromium.org: Extensions might need an increased WebDatabase quota http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=27688 I'm now pretty sure we don't want to

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29551 in chromium: Dropdown menu doesn't load (can't be expanded)

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: WontFix Comment #3 on issue 29551 by suna...@chromium.org: Dropdown menu doesn't load (can't be expanded) http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29551 I can't repro this even on Linux Ubuntu. I think it's taking time to populate the dropdown. If it doesn't

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28712 in chromium: square box is dispayed in Thai web site

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 28712 by song...@chromium.org: square box is dispayed in Thai web site http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28712 The issue seems related to line feed. The line feed doesn't work properly with the following scenarios : case 1: Thai + no space + line feed (hit

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29651 in chromium: .ogg files doesn't play when they are played directly

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: CC: scher...@chromium.org, rvar...@chromium.org, mal.chromium, lafo...@chromium.org, anan...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-1 OS-All Area-BrowserBackend ReleaseBlock-Stable New issue 29651 by suna...@chromium.org: .ogg files doesn't play when they are playe

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 25212 in chromium: Crash in WebCore::ThreadGlobalData::~ThreadGlobalData()

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #12 on issue 25212 by jor...@chromium.org: Crash in WebCore::ThreadGlobalData::~ThreadGlobalData() http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=25212 This crash has not been seen for some time and I'm pretty sure this would have (also) been fixed b

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29536 in chromium: General and serious rendering problems: Black boxes, garbage, etc. with last dev update

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #7 on issue 29536 by jtatria: General and serious rendering problems: Black boxes, garbage, etc. with last dev update http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29536 please note that this bug report has been marked as a duplicate of bug #29504, and it was fixed in a recent svn

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 21764 in chromium: Failing test: LayoutTests/fast/forms/ValidityState-typeMismatch-url.html

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #11 on issue 21764 by tk...@chromium.org: Failing test: LayoutTests/fast/forms/ValidityState-typeMismatch-url.html http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=21764 WebKit r51799 will fix this. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of th

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29650 in chromium: video hangs if you set rate and then play

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-3 OS-All Area-BrowserBackend Video New issue 29650 by fbarch...@chromium.org: video hangs if you set rate and then play http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29650 What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. go/videotestmatrix 2. cli

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29536 in chromium: General and serious rendering problems: Black boxes, garbage, etc. with last dev update

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #6 on issue 29536 by ezell.matt: General and serious rendering problems: Black boxes, garbage, etc. with last dev update http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29536 I am having the same problem. Just pulled latest update and it seemed to get worse... Seems to affect all

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29649 in chromium: Screen is blurry and unreadable

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: OS-Linux Area-Misc Type-Bug New issue 29649 by psande...@gmail.com: Screen is blurry and unreadable http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29649 Chrome Version : OS + version : Ubuntu 9.10 C

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 28822 in chromium: Security review for FFmpeg on ARM

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #5 on issue 28822 by f...@sofaraway.org: Security review for FFmpeg on ARM http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=28822 In file included from libavformat/oggparseogm.c:27: ./libavcodec/get_bits.h:93:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #warn make[1]: *** [libavformat/og

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 26872 in chromium: Print dialog is missing "Options" tab and has a warning message "Some of the settings in the dialog conflict"

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #6 on issue 26872 by thes...@chromium.org: Print dialog is missing "Options" tab and has a warning message "Some of the settings in the dialog conflict" http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26872 On my workstation, if I just open up the print dialog, and then go to the

[chromium-bugs] Issue 29648 in chromium: orkut : add photos pop-up opens in background

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Status: Untriaged Owner: Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-Linux Area-Compat-Web New issue 29648 by jasn...@chromium.org: orkut : add photos pop-up opens in background http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29648 Google Chrome (Official Build 33928) : not ok FF3 : ok What

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29602 in chromium: Chromium Linux print dialog does not fit on a small display

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Updates: Status: Invalid Comment #5 on issue 29602 by thes...@chromium.org: Chromium Linux print dialog does not fit on a small display http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29602 Oh that's bug 26872. N/m. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 29615 in chromium: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264

2009-12-07 Thread chromium
Comment #3 on issue 29615 by epatch: Major visual artifacts since 4.0.264 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29615 I am also having these artifacts (Ubuntu build 33962) Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields o

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