[chromium-bugs] Issue 1377 in chromium: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent

2008-10-23 Thread codesite-noreply
Issue 1377: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1377 Comment #6 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Depends on issue 1301, offline installer. I'll file an internal bug for updating the web site. Issue attribute updates:

[chromium-bugs] Issue 1377 in chromium: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent

2008-10-22 Thread codesite-noreply
Issue 1377: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1377 Comment #5 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Since Chrome downloads an exe first that pulls down the rest of the installer, I don't think changing the web page to allow y

[chromium-bugs] Issue 1377 in chromium: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent

2008-10-21 Thread codesite-noreply
Issue 1377: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1377 Comment #4 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: This will be annoying to administrators and others who need to download all the images. We should fix this. Issue attribut

[chromium-bugs] Issue 1377 in chromium: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent

2008-10-06 Thread codesite-noreply
Issue 1377: Can't download the windows version without mangling the user-agent http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1377 Comment #3 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: (No comment was entered for this change.) Issue attribute updates: Status: Untriaged Labels: -OS-All OS-Linux