Cc: mar...@chromium.org e...@chromium.org
Comment #18 on issue 20012 by thes...@chromium.org: end process from task
manager doesn't work in Fedora 11, Ubuntu 9.04, Open SuSe 11.1
Issue 23905 has been merged into this iss
Comment #9 on issue 20012 by pcxunlimited: end process from task manager
doesn't work in Fedora 11, Ubuntu 9.04, Open SuSe 11.1
This bug is referring to the internal Task Manager that Chrome uses. You
can bring it
up by hitting Shift +
Comment #8 on issue 20012 by Robert.Bradbury: end process from task manager
doesn't work in Fedora 11, Ubuntu 9.04, Open SuSe 11.1
This bug report doesn't make any sense to me. Linux doesn't have a "task
(at least not on my G
Comment #7 on issue 20012 by thes...@chromium.org: end process from task
manager doesn't work in Fedora 11, Ubuntu 9.04, Open SuSe 11.1
Are the process IDs wrong in the task manager when you have this problem?
Is this
really bug 20714?
Cc: jhawk...@chromium.org
Comment #2 on issue 20012 by est...@chromium.org: end process from task
manager doesn't work in Fedora 11
(No comment was entered for this change.)
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Comment #1 on issue 20012 by pcxunlimited: end process from task manager
doesn't work in Fedora 11
This happens for me on Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2 (Lenny) amd64 as well. It
used to work
in previous versions.
You received this message
Status: Untriaged
Labels: OS-Linux Area-BrowserUI Size-Medium Type-Bug
New issue 20012 by aoca...@chromium.org: end process from task manager
doesn't work in Fedora 11
Chrome Version : (Official Build 23795)