[chromium-bugs] Issue 20021 in chromium: with ubuntu 9.04

2009-08-22 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment #1 on issue 20021 by dinyar.r...@gmail.com: with ubuntu 9.04 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20021 1. do you really mean java_scrript_ or java? javascript should be working fine, visit http://www.chromeexperiments.com to test this. if java-support is your issue: ar

[chromium-bugs] Issue 20021 in chromium: with ubuntu 9.04

2009-08-21 Thread codesite-noreply
Status: Unconfirmed Owner: Labels: OS-Linux Area-Misc Size-Medium Type-Bug New issue 20021 by chrislecole: with ubuntu 9.04 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20021 Why the javascript option does not operate with chrome for ubuntu ? This plugin is allowing the use of many ap