Comment #12 on issue 252 by luisgbm: Won't load any pages while MapleStory
is open. (Probably GameGuard's fault.)
I can confirm this bug, but in my case, the page area is the one turning
black (running
Maple Story)
You received this
Comment #10 on issue 252 by Won't load any pages while MapleStory
is open. (Probably GameGuard's fault.)
GameGuard doesn't blocking Chrome longer (since
Tested with Fly For Fun.
You received this message because y
Comment #9 on issue 252 by grahamshade: Won't load any pages while
MapleStory is open. (Probably GameGuard's fault.)
What I currently do for this issue:
- Open Maplestory {Will bug chrome}.
- Close all chrome windows.
- Re-open chrome, and
Issue 252: Won't load any pages while MapleStory is open. (Probably
GameGuard's fault.)
Comment #8 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
A fix has been checked in. It won't fix all the issues but at least you can
do the
following steps without crashing:
Issue 252: Won't load any pages while MapleStory is open. (Probably
GameGuard's fault.)
Comment #7 by mheckmann:
i was getting the unhappy computer icon with the tab crashing on opening
and chrome. tried the no sandbox, it works.
Issue 252: Won't load any pages while MapleStory is open. (Probably
GameGuard's fault.)
Comment #6 by ekonel:
Running Chrome with --no-sandbox parameter compromises security but
resolves this
You received this message becaus
Issue 252: Won't load any pages while MapleStory is open. (Probably
GameGuard's fault.)
Comment #5 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I have sent an email to the makers of GameGuard and received response. They
looking into it, not given any timefr
Issue 252: Won't load any pages while MapleStory is open. (Probably
GameGuard's fault.)
Comment #4 by ominous.omen:
I have the same problem with Rohan, another GameGuard protected game.
The address bar turns black and I can't access any web