Comment #30 on issue 375 by aaron.cirilo: gmail checkbox disappears
same issue... it fixes itself whenever you open IE... weird.
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Comment #29 on issue 375 by oyagoral: gmail checkbox disappears
I have the same problem. All of the checkboxes are diappared at Chrome.
It happened today without doing anything.
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Comment #28 on issue 375 by mathieu.goodman: gmail checkbox disappears
Same issue here with Windows XP Home Edition 2002 SP3 and Chrome
Switching from Classic Theme to Windows XP Theme fixed the issue. Thanks
for the help.
Comment #17 on issue 375 by ericgalloway: gmail checkbox disappears
Noticed disappearing checkbox while using gmail and visiting local library.
Checkboxes reappear after launching Firefox and navigating to URL.
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Comment #16 on issue 375 by galkober: gmail checkbox disappears
q.segers is right... launching IE7 solves the problem...
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Comment #15 on issue 375 by q.segers: gmail checkbox disappears
WinXP SP 3 with classic theme. Checkboxes and arrows disappear and reappear
starting up *gasp* IE7
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Comment #14 on issue 375 by kilgoran: gmail checkbox disappears
Confirmed akantor, changing the Windows THEME back to Windows XP brought
the check
boxes back in Google Chrome.
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Issue 375: gmail checkbox disappears
Comment #13 by otavio:
As you can see in #2574, #255 and #375 are the same issue: Google Chrome
does not
work properly with Windows Classic Theme (on XP)
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Issue 375: gmail checkbox disappears
Comment #12 by trivex:
Sorry, how is this a duplicate of 2551? 2551 was not only created after
this one, but
it has no members supporting it.
I'm also experiencing this. I set windows to the Windows Cla
Issue 375: gmail checkbox disappears
Comment #11 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
duplicate of 2551
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Status: Duplicate
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