Status: WontFix
Comment #7 on issue 4472 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: JComboBox doesn't work in
an Applet
Working fine with Google Chrome (Official Build 5672)
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Issue 4472: JComboBox doesn't work in an Applet
Comment #6 by aleksander.naszko:
Bug fixed with Chrome Thanks :)
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or CC fields of this issue, or because you star
Issue 4472: JComboBox doesn't work in an Applet
Comment #5 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Files uploaded to http://go/reductions/4472/ChromeJComboBox.html
Issue attribute updates:
Status: Untriaged
Labels: -Area-Misc -ResponseReques
Issue 4472: JComboBox doesn't work in an Applet
Comment #2 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Many thanks for the report, and the clarification about the JVM. If you
could please
point me to a live demo application that would be very helpful, many tha
Issue 4472: JComboBox doesn't work in an Applet
Comment #1 by aleksander.naszko:
Tested with Java Plug-in 1.6.0_10-rc.
Using JRE version 1.6.0_10-rc Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
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Issue 4472: JComboBox doesn't work in an Applet
New issue report by aleksander.naszko:
Chrome Version :
URLs (if applicable) :
Other browsers tested: IE
IE 7: OK
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create Jav