[chromium-bugs] Issue 5059 in chromium: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0

2008-12-11 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment #2 on issue 5059 by lafo...@chromium.org: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5059 Merged into release branch, r6861 -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this iss

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5059 in chromium: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0

2008-12-03 Thread codesite-noreply
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #1 on issue 5059 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5059 Fixed in r6300: Fixes bug in window positioning that resulted in positioning incorrectly for mo

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5059 in chromium: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0

2008-12-03 Thread codesite-noreply
Status: Started Owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 5059 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Docking produces strange results on monitors with an origin < 0 http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5059 This is only reproducible with a multi-monitor setup in