[chromium-bugs] Issue 5650 in chromium: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath

2009-03-18 Thread codesite-noreply
Updates: Labels: -Mstone-2.0 Mstone-X Comment #5 on issue 5650 by m...@chromium.org: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5650 (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are list

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5650 in chromium: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath

2008-12-17 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment #3 on issue 5650 by erik...@chromium.org: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5650 If you want to differentiate Absolute from Canonical, then we should rename file_util::AbsolutePath to be file_util::CanonicalPath. Ha

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5650 in chromium: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath

2008-12-17 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment #2 on issue 5650 by mmentovai: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5650 (which doesn't exist because I was forced to take a whole host of things out of FilePath, but if you have a need for IsPathCanonical we can put

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5650 in chromium: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath

2008-12-17 Thread codesite-noreply
Comment #1 on issue 5650 by mmentovai: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5650 Erik, it sounds like what you want is IsPathCanonical. -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issu

[chromium-bugs] Issue 5650 in chromium: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath

2008-12-17 Thread codesite-noreply
Status: Untriaged Owner: m...@chromium.org Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc New issue 5650 by erik...@chromium.org: FilePath::IsPathAbsolute vs. file_util::AbsolutePath http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5650 It looks like we have two definitions of absolute paths. IsPa