[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 7819 in chromium: AJAX response is not cached in some cases

2009-11-12 Thread chromium
Comment #2 on issue 7819 by pallosp: AJAX response is not cached in some cases http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=7819 I don't see what is the problem with using the same HTTP headers to control caching as normal HTTP GET requests do. When the server sends cached response, the

[chromium-bugs] Re: Issue 7819 in chromium: AJAX response is not cached in some cases

2009-11-11 Thread chromium
Comment #1 on issue 7819 by megazzt: AJAX response is not cached in some cases http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=7819 But SHOULD XMLHTTPRequest be doing this? If you implement caching in it, how do you then choose to IGNORE caching? IMO one XMLHTTPRequest should translate