[chromium-dev] Re: How to Generate Visual Studio .SLN file from gyp

2009-07-17 Thread zys
I found it. I had to put GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2005 env var However I don't think I have seen that in any docs!!! But somewhere in this discussion group. (http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/ c715a6389c576470/d83d93107454e602? lnk=gstq=GYP_MSVS_VERSION#d83d93107454e602) It

[chromium-dev] How to Generate Visual Studio .SLN file from gyp

2009-07-16 Thread zys
Hello You might think that this is a really a stupid question. I have downloaded chrome source code as well as the depot_tools and now I am trying to generate .SLN file for VS2005 However when running gclient runhooks --force I am getting the following error running