I finished moving the last bit of string stuff in preparation for
separating ICU from base. All ICU and related utilities have moved to
src/base/i18n. The rest of base should not depend on base/i18n because
it will be a separate library, but base/i18n can depend on the rest of

The core UTF8/UTF16/Wide conversion functions have been added to a new
file: base/utf_string_conversions.h. This file doesn't use ICU, but
rather a few ICU functions and macros I pulled out into

Currently, base/string_util.h includes base/utf_string_conversions.h
and is likely to stay this way since nobody wants to change all of the
files in the project. But if you write a new file or are updating the
includes for an existing one, think about whether you need all of
string_util or just the UTF conversion functions. The UTF conversion
functions will almost never change, so you won't have to recompile
your file when Bill S. Preston, Esq. adds
SeparateStringIntoBitsAndInterpretEveryThirdPartAsAnInt64() to

base/sys_string_conversions no longer includes SysUTF8ToWide and
friends since there's no longer any point for those.
sys_string_conversions contains only functions for converting to the
system's native multibyte encoding (which you'll almost never need).

The more advanced conversion functions that use ICU are in
base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h. You will have to include this file
explicitly if you need them. This is WideToCodepage and friends for
general character set conversion. It's rare to need this since you
should be using Unicode.

The final part I haven't done is make a separate base_i18n project
that clients wanting ICU and related stuff will link to. This will
replace base_gfx which has no purpose since I moved all the Skia and
libpng/jpeg dependencies to app. This will allow clients to decide if
they really need internationalization support.

I'm adding something, where does it go?

First, please consider putting it inside your component's directory.
When everybody adds all their crap to base, it ends up that nobody can
find anything and the build is more interdependent. If you're not
actually sharing anything between toplevel projects, it shouldn't be
in base.

Second, consider putting it in src/app. App is "the stuff you need to
build a Windowed application," whereas src/base is "the stuff you need
to build *any* application." Think of some random daemon or library on
ChromeOS. It should link to base but not app. Is your stuff useful to
every client executable, or just "applications" dealing with the
windowing system, clipboard, drag & drop, etc.? Note also that
WebKit/glue and test_shell can now depend on app, which makes it easy
to not put stuff in base now. It's assumed anything in app can depend
on ICU (base/i18n) since real applications will be internationalized.

Put it in base if it really should be linked in with every Google
client application, the crash reporter app, all ChromeOS daemons and
login manager, etc. This shouldn't be that much stuff! If it needs
ICU, put it in base/i18n. If it doesn't, put it in base or the
appropriate subdirectory.


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