[cia-drugs] U.S. Cites Rise in Violence Along Border With Mexico

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/11/national/11border.html?_r=1oref=sloginpagewanted=print February 11, 2006 U.S. Cites Rise in Violence Along Border With Mexico By RACHEL L. SWARNS WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 — Mexican criminal syndicates are stepping up their

[cia-drugs] 21 Injured in Border Chase

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/11/national/11chase.html?pagewanted=print February 11, 2006 21 Injured in Border Chase By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN DIEGO, Feb. 10 (AP) — A van carrying suspected illegal immigrants crashed near the border with Mexico on

[cia-drugs] Donation of Bayer papers to U.S. Holocaust Museum

2006-02-11 Thread norgesen
The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh, January 04, 2006 Rosenberg gives Bayer papers to U.S. Holocaust Museum A 13-year effort by a Pittsburgh man, and a committee that worked with him, to show Bayer AG's culpability in the Holocaust produced a collection of minutes, notes, transcripts,

[cia-drugs] Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism

2006-02-11 Thread norgesen
Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism Paul Joseph Watson | January 25 2006 General Leonid Ivashov, Russia's armed forces Chief of Staff when 9/11 occurred, recently went public with astounding comments concerning the destruction of the World Trade

Re: [cia-drugs] Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop

2006-02-11 Thread Arlene Johnson
This is perfect. Thank you Norgeson. This tends to confirm what a supporter said to me the other day regarding that the Vatican created Islam. When I asked him for the article that pertains to this bombshell information, he told me that he didn't have it, that it was said in passing by a

Re: [cia-drugs] Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism

2006-02-11 Thread Arlene Johnson
What an article! I love the way he exposes The Illuminati in this. The only aspect he omits, is their process of moving extremely slowly which prevents people's realizing that anything is wrong until it's too late to do anything about it. Peace, Arlene Johnson Publisher/Author

[cia-drugs] Brazil poised to join the world's nuclear elite

2006-02-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/13842944.htm Brazil poised to join the world's nuclear elite By Jack Chang Knight Ridder Newspapers RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - While the world community scrutinizes Iran's nuclear plans, Latin America's biggest country is weeks away from taking a

[cia-drugs] PETER LAVENDA, live!

2006-02-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
apparently archived here: www.peeringintodarkness.com he's being interviewed on REPUBLIC RADIO. http://www.rbnlive.com/listen.html vigilius haufniensis lavenda's sites, and books: www.sinisterforces.info SINISTER FORCES: A GRIMOIRE OF AMERICAN POLITICAL WITCHCRAFT Complete archives at

[cia-drugs] Uncovering a not-so-secret Hopkins past

2006-02-11 Thread RAMillegan
http://www.jhunewsletter.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2006/02/10/43ed166983133 Uncovering a not-so-secret Hopkins past By WESLEY HUNG February 10, 2006 The three mysterious numbers under the insignia of the famous Skull and Bones are 322. Some say these numbers denote the establishment of a

[cia-drugs] Blair Blasted As Carlyle Sees QinetiQ Windfall

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey
Faces In The News Blair Blasted As Carlyle Sees QinetiQ Windfall Parmy Olson, 02.10.06, 3:10 PM ET It was reportedly the inspiration behind Q in the James Bond movies, and seems to have become a venerated British institution ever since word hit the street that a large

[cia-drugs] Press Release: Open Letter To All Media People Everywhere...911 Truth and Supe

2006-02-11 Thread Marsha
Press Release: Open Letter To All Media People Everywhere...911 Truth and Super Third Party News...Please Forward Widely All group owners and members please see note and information at the end of the press release Press release: Americans are noticing some networks are allowing a

[cia-drugs] Drug Smuggling Air Marshals?

2006-02-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1158902,00.html Drug Smuggling Air Marshals? The arrest of a pair of agents on possible cocaine charges raises new concerns about the aviation security programBy SALLY B. DONNELLY/WASHINGTON For a law enforcement agency that works hard to be