Pak heroin junta premier Musharaf and French author Bernard Henri Levy
predicted that Omar would be pardoned because he did not know Daniel
Pearl was going to be killed rather than ransomed for a political price. 

Now after torture, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed has confessed to beheading
Daniel Pearl on behalf of a conspiracy that was "not al-CIA-duh". But
Bernard Henry Levy found many political islamist sects playing
together with in the 911 pro bowl, groups which are incapable of
working together without direction from above, from Pak ISI. Omar walks.

Two things Pak ISI would not do: attack the US, and arrest Omar.

Pak ISI did both. Porter Goss was in Pakistan meeting with KSM and
Omar's boss, Pak ISI chief General Mahmud Ahmad, in August 2001, and
Ahmad was with Goss in DC on 9/11/2001 when the planes flown by
al-CIA-duh hijackers from Porter's home town hit WTC and the Pentagon.

Pakistan attacked the US, and arrested Omar, therefore the US attacked

KSM is now corroborating Musharaf and Levy's notion of Omar not
deserving the death penalty. Omar could have thought he was performing
another kidnapping for political expediency like he had done before in
India. But CIA wanted Pearl dead, and Omar was their Oswald. KSM was
their Felix Rodriguez. Omar the 911 moneyman walks, nobody talks.

Money is doing all the talking. Kept journo whores are not saying

Seymour Hersh reports that in order to move ahead with unprovoked
aggression against Iran, CIA is back to dealing with Taliban and Osama
bin Laden in Waziristan and Baluchistan and the Sunni guerrillas in
Iraq and their Saudi monarchy backers. Journo whores call Valery Plame
"Garbo" so they can take KSM off the front page and say nothing about
the consistency of al-CIA-duh being al-CIA-duh, the CIA personnel
database("base" or "alqaeda" in arabic) of political islamists, even
as the absurd notion of 911 being the only time CIA did not run
al-CIA-duh appears doubly absurd as now CIA goes back to openly
running al-CIA-duh, The Base, the personnel database, alqaeda, like it
did in Kosovo, Chechnya, and 1980's Afghanistan. And 911.

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