Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in  Australia                  
Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in Australia - Speaker:  
Michael Salter, University of New South Wales - The Crime and Justice Research  
(CJR) Network - This paper will outline the preliminary findings of a doctoral  
research project on adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in 
Australia.  The project is designed to document the activities of organised 
groups of 
sexual  abusers through the life histories of adult survivors.  The paper will 
draw  on life history interviews with adult survivors of organised abuse to 
explore  the questions: What are the ways in which the sexual abuse of children 
can be  organised or coordinated by multiple perpetrators? What happens to 
victimised  children in organised contexts? What are the risk factors for 
organised abuse?  What are the social factors that enable, or compound, the 
exploitation of  children? The paper will also provide a reflection on the 
complexities of  providing a cogent criminological account of organised, and 
otherwise complex,  child sexual abuse. 

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